Angus Taylor aka “The Enforcer”

With his spot in the Big House on the Hill in the bag – and his influence on the main game only a couple of months away – Angus Taylor has already signalled the death knell for wind power in Australia.

Angus Taylor – the next Member for Hume.


Angus’ appearance at the National Rally has sent the greentards and their Overlords into a tailspin.

Apparently, they can’t stomach the idea of a – soon to be – elected representative of the people professing to act in his constituents’ best interests.

On the greentard world view – the people we elect should be turning a blind eye to wholesale REC fraud being committed by Acciona, Pac Hydro and RATCH – and bending over backwards to help prop up struggling Danish turbine outfit, Vestas.

Angus “The Enforcer” Taylor – clearly has other ideas.

STT says: “hats off Angus”.

Protestors send wind up them
Goulburn Post
24 June 2013

ON Tuesday June 18 a rally was held on lawns in front of Parliament House in Canberra to protest against the damage that industrial wind turbine developments are causing to rural communities, landscape, heritage and especially the national economy.

The rally was attended by representatives of community groups and associations from across Australia – from as far away as Western Australia and Far North Queensland.

Every State in Australia sent representations to the rally.

Members and office bearers of local Landscape Guardian groups represented those in our area deeply concerned about the economic and landscape consequences of industrial wind turbines across the Southern Tablelands. The Ngambri elder, Shane Mortimer, welcomed the hundreds attending the rally to his peoples’ traditional lands and spoke about his battle to prevent the desecration of those sacred lands by industrial wind turbines.

The rally heard from those who live in close proximity to wind turbines speak of the health and economic repercussions they are suffering.

Other speakers included Federal politicians from across the country. Senators Ron Boswell, Chris Back and John Madigan as well as Craig Kelly MP all outlined the economic drain of this industry on the Australian economy and householders.

Wind turbine developments are issued with large-scale Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to the value of approximately $500,000 per turbine per year.

Federal Member for Hume, Hon. Alby Schultz, has stated that RECs issued are expected to exceed $50 billion and that, in his electorate of Hume, the REC subsidy for new turbines, excluding existing ones, is set to reach $500 million to $1 billion per year.

Local Federal Parliamentary candidate, Angus Taylor, spoke powerfully to the rally and reiterated the February 13 parliamentary speech of Alby Schultz by mentioning that if the wind industry subsidy for Hume were given to the electorate to spend we could reduce emissions by 50 per cent more than is achieved through the wind turbines.

We could solve every major infrastructure problem inside the Hume electorate.

We could: duplicate the Barton Highway, $600 million; rebuild the Goulburn hospital, $150 million; set up CCTV cameras in every major town to prevent crime, $2 million; fix mobile phone and TV reception black spots, for example, in Crookwell, $2 million; and pay off the Yass council debt of $18 million for heightening the dam wall.

After three years of using the subsidy to fix infrastructure problems, we could hand back all of the subsidy to the government to reduce electricity prices – up to $7 billion over seven years.

The rally emphasised that Australia cannot afford industrial wind turbines – they are industrial power generators that require base-load power to operate, are intermittent, are damaging to the environment and rural communities, are very expensive to the electrical consumer in Australia and do little or nothing to reduce carbon emissions.

Chalk and cheese

COMPARING the lunchtime sit-in by Canberra office workers in the Canberra CBD with the anti-wind farm rally on the steps of Parliament House is like comparing chalk and cheese, or apples and oranges, says Liberal candidate for Hume Angus Taylor.

“The renewables sit-in was organised by Get-Up, an established left wing Greens activist organisation with tens of thousands of members. It was classic ‘slactivism’, which Get-Up specialises in: bring along some speakers, a megaphone, and a few people with placards, to a public square where you already have a crowd. Attract some more passers by with some noise. Then claim it is a ‘rally’, and claim victory. The truth is, it was not a ‘rally’ at all,” he said.

Mr Taylor added: “A bunch of office workers in Canberra sitting in the midday sun during their lunch hour listening to someone who has come literally to their to their doorstep is very different from a crowd of 364 people who come purposefully to the steps of Parliament House from communities all over Australia. Those 364 people also had thousands of protest signatures with them from people who live in wind farm affected communities. They were farmers, country solicitors, doctors, teachers, greenies, tradies – all of whom have first-hand experience of living with wind farms.”

“Furthermore, Get-Up and the wind industry sneakily conflate the issue. Most people at the wind farm rally are all for renewables, as am I. However, we are not for wind energy. It costs more than other means of reducing carbon emissions, and crowds out the development of other renewables. It is economic and policy lunacy. At the same time the development of wind energy in the Hume electorate is tearing small, once cohesive communities apart.”
Goulburn Post

STT is ready to back anyone with the nacelles to call it as it is – and stand up for the people of this Great Country.

Angus “The Enforcer” Taylor has more than enough of what it takes to wrap this insanity up – faster than you can say – through gritted teeth – “this is a 44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off.”

So wind weasels – you’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?”

Ya feelin’ lucky?


NOTE: for the benefit of greentards and other persons suffering from similar mental challenges – STT does NOT advocate violence or support the NRA. Phew, thought we’d get that on the record – as current and standard practice among Green-Labor apparatchiks, greentard journos and bloggers seems to be DO NOT read the posts on STT – but SHOOT your mouth off – so to speak – about what you think appears on this site. What’s that you say about FACTS?

12 thoughts on “Angus Taylor aka “The Enforcer”

  1. We need to make a concerted world-wide effort to elect politicians who will expose the windfraud, and promote clean, AFFORDABLE, energy, that does not necessitate the removal of democratic rights in order to be implemented.

  2. Angus Taylor, it is a delight to hear people like you who talk with great intelligence about the disaster of the fraudulent industrial wind turbines.

    We in QLD were greatly encouraged by the meda statement Bruce Scott MP made on Tuesday 18, after our rally. Thank you, Bruce.

    If you go to the site, you will see the crap written by the “Coopers Gap wind farm supporters group”, which is supported by the “Australia’s Greatest Liars company”, it really makes you sick with such lies & misinformation.

    I really feel for you people who are living in among these useless fraudulent industrial wind turbines, day in, and day out. Bring on September 14, it won’t come quick enough.

  3. Congratulations to Angus Taylor for his intelligent comments on the wind fraud. Well done also for putting people first and I really want to use this saying that I heard at the Rally. Putting health before wealth. Gold.

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