Greens live in a state of constant denial

**** With the race on to kill the Renewable Energy Target stone dead - Australia's so-called "Greens" are working overtime to save it and their wind industry clients. The Greens have become a fully paid up front for the wind industry - struggling Danish fan maker, Vestas has poured $millions into Green coffers and is … Continue reading Greens live in a state of constant denial

The Greentard Politician – from another Planet?

We’ve had cause to comment on numerous political Muppets, like the rotten, mean and nasty Milne:We’ve also had a crack at Labor’s Laura Smyth:And SA Federal Greens Senator, Sarah Hanson-Young:Sadly - Laura and Sarah probably won’t be troubling us after 7 September. Oh dear, what a pity, never mind.Victorian Green, Greg Barber and South Australian … Continue reading The Greentard Politician – from another Planet?

Australia’s “Greens” unveil their 5 Year Plan for your Country

STT sees Christine Milne as the “Capo dei Capi” of Australian greentards – and she’s at it again. **** Not content with throwing a mere $10 billion of our hard earned cash at Spanish wind outlaws like Acciona and Union Fenosa, Milne wants to throw another $20 billion at them.  What’s that you say about … Continue reading Australia’s “Greens” unveil their 5 Year Plan for your Country