Suicide Road: Australia’s Renewable Energy Crisis Threatens Thousands of Well-Paid Jobs

  An obsession with renewables sent power prices into orbit, destroying thousands of manufacturing jobs. Farmers irrigating crops and vines and milking cows, aquaculture outfits rearing abalone and finfish, mineral processors and miners are next. The relationship between having reliable and affordable electricity and sustaining profitable enterprise is entirely lost on Labor and the Greens. … Continue reading Suicide Road: Australia’s Renewable Energy Crisis Threatens Thousands of Well-Paid Jobs

Renewable Energy Debacle Deepens: Chaotic & Costly Power Destroying Australian Industry

  Australian is set to cross the Rubicon: following the path to Nirvana promised by renewable energy zealots, means inevitable economic and social oblivion. As the country continues pouring billions of dollars into the unreliables - wind and solar - power prices will continue to rocket out of control. And, even if an industrial or … Continue reading Renewable Energy Debacle Deepens: Chaotic & Costly Power Destroying Australian Industry

Economic Mercy Mission: Monash Forum’s Drive for Reliable & Affordable Power Gets Steamed-Up

  Coal powers Australia: not sunshine, not breezes and, if you’re told otherwise, you’re being conned. So, keeping big base-load power generators in the game matters. That’s if you’re concerned about having power available 24 x 365 at prices that both businesses and households can afford. It’s that simple metric that has motivated the Monash … Continue reading Economic Mercy Mission: Monash Forum’s Drive for Reliable & Affordable Power Gets Steamed-Up

Desperate Measures: Renewables Rush Leaves Australians Scrambling for Reliable Power

Act in haste, repent at your leisure: Australia’s self-inflicted renewable energy fiasco has sent power prices through the roof and all but destroyed its once reliable power supplies. Over our Southern Summer, grid managers have been tearing their hair out, as they attempt to keep the lights on in South Australia, Victoria and New South … Continue reading Desperate Measures: Renewables Rush Leaves Australians Scrambling for Reliable Power

Sheik-Down, Down-Under: Saudi Billionaire Pockets $300m in Renewable Subsidies

Saudi solar tycoon’s $300m handout The Australian David Crowe 19 September 2017 Australians are set to pay $300 million in subsidies to an outback solar farm owned by a Saudi Arabian billionaire in a new test of the federal government’s looming energy reforms, escalating a dispute over whether to cut the handouts to keep coal-fired … Continue reading Sheik-Down, Down-Under: Saudi Billionaire Pockets $300m in Renewable Subsidies

Costly & Pointless Wind Power Subsidies Slammed by Australia’s National Party

**** When STT cranked into gear in December 2012, hammering the wind industry was a fairly lonely occupation: hardly fashionable; a bit like wearing yellow to a funeral, really. Back then, openly questioning the “wonders” of wind power was a guaranteed dinner party showstopper. Nervous hosts – choking on their organic pinot gris – would … Continue reading Costly & Pointless Wind Power Subsidies Slammed by Australia’s National Party

Wind Power: Germany’s Fatal Attraction

All lies and promises – the wind industry has finally been rumbled in Germany and is about to be shown the door in Australia. Wind weasels and their parasites have been guilty of more than just a little hubris.  Claiming to be able to deliver cheap, reliable sparks was always going to be their undoing. … Continue reading Wind Power: Germany’s Fatal Attraction

Greg Hunt & Ian Macfarlane: aka “Dumb” and “Dumber”

STT has raised one or two suspicions about Ian “Macca” Macfarlane’s unseemly connections with his mates at Infigen (aka Babcock & Brown) and we’ve entertained the odd doubt about young Gregory Hunt. Now it seems that they’re ready to convert doubts and suspicions into cold, hard - industry and employment destroying - facts. These clowns … Continue reading Greg Hunt & Ian Macfarlane: aka “Dumb” and “Dumber”

Ron “The Boss” Boswell spells out death for the RET

STT champion, Ron “The Boss” Boswell may be on the way to retiring from the Big House on the Hill in Canberra come next July, but he certainly isn’t shy or retiring in his efforts to save Australian industry from our ridiculous renewable energy policy. As Ron pointed out a while back in this post, … Continue reading Ron “The Boss” Boswell spells out death for the RET

Rally – Senator Ron Boswell

The 3rd speaker at the National Wind Power Fraud Rally, on June 18, 2013, at Parliament House, Canberra, was Senator Ron Boswell.  Senator Boswell presented data about the impact of the current energy policy on our industry and manufacturing sectors, jobs and ordinary people. He called it a fraud and stated that an Abbott-lead Government … Continue reading Rally – Senator Ron Boswell