The near total uselessness of so-called wind farms

Herald Sun, Melbourne, February 28, 2013 Terry McCrann THE near total uselessness of so-called wind farms was nicely if unintentionally exposed by the detail in the AGL interim profit numbers yesterday. AGL has almost doubled its wind farm so-called capacity with the 420 MW Macarthur wind farm. That one wind farm now comprises an impressive … Continue reading The near total uselessness of so-called wind farms

Yer feel me, Holmes?

Yo! Was sup, Holmes? We ain’t mad but the more we look, the more troubled we is. We know the Media Watch episode on the Cumming report in The Australian is now last year’s news. And yes, we know we said we would move on. But we can’t. There’s more to say, cuz. A lot … Continue reading Yer feel me, Holmes?