Fake News: Tasmania’s 200% Renewable Energy Vanity Project, 100% Dependent on Coal-Fired Power from Victoria

  The renewable energy zealot is all care and no responsibility. Claims that the world can run on sunshine and breezes and become “100% renewable” have been outdone by Tasmania with its claim that it will soon be 200% renewable. But, dig a little deeper, and the 200% claim is just as hollow as the … Continue reading Fake News: Tasmania’s 200% Renewable Energy Vanity Project, 100% Dependent on Coal-Fired Power from Victoria

When does 58.7% become 60%? When $100million per year in RECs is up for grabs

Not content with rigging the vote on whether King Islanders would have to endure the torture of a “feasibility” study, Hydro Tasmania has rubbed out the number they got - and pencilled in the result they were after. As to the idea of "feasibility" - STT puts a couple of posers: since when is paying … Continue reading When does 58.7% become 60%? When $100million per year in RECs is up for grabs