Today Tonight Reports on Senate Inquiry Into the Great Wind Power Fraud

**** The Australian Senate Inquiry into the great wind power fraud kicked off on 30 March. And, fitting it was, that this band of merry men – Queensland National Senator, Matthew Canavan, WA Liberal, Chris Back, independents Nick Xenophon and John Madigan, Liberal Democrat, David Leyonhjelm, Family First Senator, Bob Day (and one, not-so-happy, Labor … Continue reading Today Tonight Reports on Senate Inquiry Into the Great Wind Power Fraud

Today Tonight Report on Steven Cooper’s Cape Bridgewater Acoustic Study

Cape Bridgewater Report Rodney Lohse Channel 7's Today Tonight 16 March 2015 [Click on the image above and click through for the Today Tonight video. Transcript appears below.] Transcript Rosanna Mangiarelli: But we will start tonight with a wind farm war. Those who claim that turbines are having an impact on surrounding communities, versus those who … Continue reading Today Tonight Report on Steven Cooper’s Cape Bridgewater Acoustic Study

Pacific Hydro Orders ABC’s “Ministry of Truth” to hound Steven Cooper, Graham Lloyd and Channel 7 Over Wind Farm Study

**** Media Watch ‘just skimmed my report’: researcher The Australian Sonia Kohlbacher 16 February 2015 A SCIENTIFIC researcher whose groundbreaking study into the impact of wind turbines on nearby residents has criticised the ABC’s Media Watch program, saying its journalist hounded his company about alleged media misrepresentations without reading or understanding his report. The study … Continue reading Pacific Hydro Orders ABC’s “Ministry of Truth” to hound Steven Cooper, Graham Lloyd and Channel 7 Over Wind Farm Study

Yer feel me, Holmes?

Yo! Was sup, Holmes? We ain’t mad but the more we look, the more troubled we is. We know the Media Watch episode on the Cumming report in The Australian is now last year’s news. And yes, we know we said we would move on. But we can’t. There’s more to say, cuz. A lot … Continue reading Yer feel me, Holmes?

Media Watch, your bias is bare

Before we get stuck into contemporary matters (and we're keen as mustard, there are so many of them calling to be shunted into the cold light of day) we must first deal with a stone in our collective shoes. Back in September, the ABC show Media Watch took The Australian to task for a report … Continue reading Media Watch, your bias is bare