Inconvenient Truths: MSM Attempts to Bury Mike Moore’s Planet of the Humans

Propagandists know that it’s best to run silent when they’re under siege from ‘friendlys’, which is how the media has responded to Planet of the Humans, Michael Moore’s withering attack on the power and money behind the renewable energy scam (see above). For the best part of 20 years, the mainstream press has been parroting … Continue reading Inconvenient Truths: MSM Attempts to Bury Mike Moore’s Planet of the Humans

Blood & Gore: Mike Moore’s ‘Planet of The Humans’ Unmasks The Power & Money Behind Renewables Scam

  Apoplexy is the order of the day among ‘green’ energy zealots following the release of Mike Moore’s 'Planet of The Humans'. In the military they call it “blue on blue”, although when the hard left are pulling the trigger it’s more aptly described as “green on green”. But the documentary backed by Moore isn’t … Continue reading Blood & Gore: Mike Moore’s ‘Planet of The Humans’ Unmasks The Power & Money Behind Renewables Scam

US Wind Power Fraud: It’s Coal, Gas & Nuclear That Powers the Land of the Free

America’s resurgent prosperity is partly the product of its recent shale oil and gas revolution. From sea to shining sea, the US is awash with cheap gas; adding to its already abundant supplies of coal. With electricity prices around one third the cost paid in wind and solar obsessed Australia, anyone promoting that pair in … Continue reading US Wind Power Fraud: It’s Coal, Gas & Nuclear That Powers the Land of the Free