Alan Jones on RATCH’s proposed Collector Calamity

Collector aims to keep its pumpkin patch fan free.


A while back we reported on efforts to keep Thai wind scam outfit RATCH from messing up Collector’s pristine pumpkin patch.

Back in May we covered the frantic efforts by local hopeful turbine host Gary Poile and RATCH’s spinmaster Nick Valentine to win local hearts and minds in our posts here and here.

RATCH had to face the Planning Assessment Commission in Collector last week and, from all reports, those earlier efforts amounted to an epic FAIL.

The hall was packed to the gunwales with hostile locals ready to send Poile, RATCH and Valentine packing.

Here’s STT Champion, Alan Jones reporting on the first day’s play at Collector and speaking with local Barbara Bryan and David Mortimer a turbine host from Lake Bonney in the Sth-East of SA.

Alan has a little radio show that more than just a few Australians tune into each morning. Syndicated through over 77 Stations and with close to 2 million listeners Countrywide – AJ as he’s known – is one of those people that leads the political charge on many issues that really affect ordinary Australians and which the rest of the press ignore.

For a truly brilliant report and interviews click on the player below or watch the movie (non-flash devices).

Here’s the movie for those who have devices that need a little help:



One serious footnote to the Collector story was the appearance at the meeting of an elusive anti-wind fraud warrior going by the name of Frank Bestic.  Frank, apparently, hails from Biala, west of Goulburn, NSW.

To give you a taste of how passionate Frank is about preserving his patch of paradise from the pending threat of giant fans, here’s an email he wrote to the Waubra Foundation’s Dr Sarah Laurie a little while back.

On Jul 17, 2013, at 8:05 AM, Frank Bestic wrote:

Dear Sarah

It has been almost a year since our previous correspondence and I write to you today in both dismay and with optimism. Dismay that the scourge of wind developments appears to continue unabated in my previously idyllic rural countryside. The latest cab off the rank is the Biala Industrial Wind Development not far from me. I feel as if I’m being encircled.

Despite this, however, I have been buoyed in recent days by the discovery of the wonderful Stop These Things website; which has seen my undivided attention ever since. Do you feel that we will get some traction through this website? The prose is wonderful and should have the wind prospectors (and their “greentard” cohorts) running in circles. Pray tell, who is our people’s poet? I would love to congratulate them in person.

Keep up the good work Sarah; the game is far from over.

Kind regards


Frank is clearly a man of great wit and discernment in recognising the pure literary genius that is STT.

We pride ourselves on delivery biting sarcasm, in colourful language, aimed at supporting and encouraging people just like Frank.

Though modesty – or something else, perhaps – prevents us from adopting the tag “people’s poet” – we’ll leave that one for perennial-student-pretender Rick from the Young Ones – he deserved it.

The people’s poet is the prat on the left.


Now Frank is a man of some mystery and intrigue.

STT hears that – until very recently – Frank was employed by Transfield Services – a construction outfit that has helped sling up fans all over Australia.

Could Frank be the wind weasel whistleblower STT has been looking for?

Is he the insider ready to tip a bucket on his former masters?

Be brave Frank, this battle needs courageous men precisely like you.

Frank clearly needs help to make the cross-over from the Dark Side, so STT has put its best operatives on the case. But to help him, we need to find him.

In the meantime readers, we’d be mighty grateful if you could send us pictures or video or otherwise confirm your sightings of the fearless Frank Bestic.

This mighty warrior needs to step out from the shadows and bathe in the glory he so richly deserves.  STT is ready and waiting to tell Frank’s full story.

Step into the light Frank Bestic – you have nothing to fear.