Wind & Solar: Always & Everywhere Dependent On Massive & Endless Subsidies

Never stand between rent seekers and a fat pile of taxpayers’ money. The wind and solar industries were built on lies and myth, but they can only survive when there's a steady stream of massive and endless subsidies. Cut the subsidies and rent seekers disappear in a heartbeat. BP was once the head of the … Continue reading Wind & Solar: Always & Everywhere Dependent On Massive & Endless Subsidies

No Escape: How Households Suffer Astronomical Cost of Great Wind & Solar Scam

Working out what households pay for subsidies to wind and solar is a task, in itself. Naturally, the crony capitalists that profit from the greatest economic and environmental fraud of all time, are keen to conceal the extent of the state-sponsored larceny from their unwitting victims. To the same end, their political enablers often talk … Continue reading No Escape: How Households Suffer Astronomical Cost of Great Wind & Solar Scam

Pricing Vanity: Power Consumers Punished By Obscene Cost of Wind Farm Subsidies

The virtue signalling wind power advocate reckons that the wind is free, but the pointless Vanity Project that is industrial wind power comes with a staggering pricetag. And it’s the power consumer that’s always left to pick up the tab. While the increasingly whopping number staring out from a power bill can hardly be concealed, … Continue reading Pricing Vanity: Power Consumers Punished By Obscene Cost of Wind Farm Subsidies

Wilderness Wipeout: Tasmania’s Pristine Environment Threatened By Monster Wind Farm

Tasmania’s rugged North is one of Australia’s natural wonders, but not for much longer if Chinese wind developers have their way. Tasmania’s rare and endangered Wedge Tailed Eagle is already under threat, being slice and diced with impunity by its existing wind farms on the North-West and North-East coasts. Now another monster wind farm is … Continue reading Wilderness Wipeout: Tasmania’s Pristine Environment Threatened By Monster Wind Farm