Wind Power Supply and Pricing Fiasco Leaves South Australians ‘Mad as Hell’

*** In yesterday’s post we drew attention to the fact that the wind industry, its parasites and spruikers are having a rather torrid time, as they try to deflect attention from South Australia’s unfolding power supply and pricing calamity. What is crushing their feeble spirits is the fact that, despite their very best efforts, the … Continue reading Wind Power Supply and Pricing Fiasco Leaves South Australians ‘Mad as Hell’

STT’s Australian of the Year Awards 2016 **** Australians are a weird mob - as demonstrated by that, somewhat militaristic, culinary mash up; detailing 'Operation Boomerang' - a top-level mission to extract expats from far-flung, lamb-free-zones and return them to mouth-watering, succulent barbecued delights. The fact that Aussies love our lamb, and frown on vegans, upsets the PC Police, but then … Continue reading STT’s Australian of the Year Awards 2016