Wind Farm Shutdown Allows Neighbours to Sleep Comfortably for 1st Time in Years

As time goes by, the irrefutable evidence mounts that incessant turbine generated low-frequency noise and infrasound is a hazard to human health; and no evidence is more compelling than the negative effect wind turbine noise and vibration has on the critical need for sleep. The World Health Organisation has viewed “noise-induced sleep disturbance … as … Continue reading Wind Farm Shutdown Allows Neighbours to Sleep Comfortably for 1st Time in Years

STT’s Australian of the Year Awards 2016 **** Australians are a weird mob - as demonstrated by that, somewhat militaristic, culinary mash up; detailing 'Operation Boomerang' - a top-level mission to extract expats from far-flung, lamb-free-zones and return them to mouth-watering, succulent barbecued delights. The fact that Aussies love our lamb, and frown on vegans, upsets the PC Police, but then … Continue reading STT’s Australian of the Year Awards 2016