Grand Lunacy: New York Shut Down Nuclear Plants & Wrecked Its Power Supply

New York State is another place where wind and solar-obsessed lunatics have seized control of energy policy. The notional objective was to reduce carbon oxide gas emissions using nothing more than sunshine and breezes. Ever-reliable nuclear power (which does not generate CO2 during the generation process) is deemed a mortal threat to the ideologues’ utopian … Continue reading Grand Lunacy: New York Shut Down Nuclear Plants & Wrecked Its Power Supply

Mission Impossible: Why Batteries Can’t Solve Wind & Solar’s Reliability Problem

Reduced to waffling about grid-scale battery storage, the wind and solar industries are having a hard time demonstrating that they have any kind of future, at all. Delusional promoters of the grand wind and solar 'transition' reckon the hopeless intermittency of wind and solar can cured by “storing” it. Pitches include using insanely expensive lithium … Continue reading Mission Impossible: Why Batteries Can’t Solve Wind & Solar’s Reliability Problem

Demand Control: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Means Routine State-Controlled Power Rationing

Delusional reliance on unreliable wind and solar is a reason that governments are interfering in consumers’ power usage. Pitched under the euphemism “demand management”, state-controlled power rationing is the natural consequence of attempting to run on sunshine and breezes. When the sun sets and calm weather sets in, wind and solar power can’t be bought … Continue reading Demand Control: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Means Routine State-Controlled Power Rationing

Why Big Batteries Can’t Cure Wind & Solar’s Hopeless Intermittency

Politicos and the MSM are wedded to the myth that mega-batteries are all we need to overcome the chaotic delivery of wind and solar. The addition of which, we are told, is both imminent and cost-free. No country on earth has been able to crack the cost-effective grid-scale storage electricity. The laws of physics are … Continue reading Why Big Batteries Can’t Cure Wind & Solar’s Hopeless Intermittency

Dumb & Dumber: Continued Wind & Solar Obsession Defies All Logic & Reason

The renewable energy pit deepens, but there’s no indication the dolts in charge will ever stop digging. The, by now obvious, consequences of attempting to rely on sunshine and breezes include another annual power price increase of over 20% this month and routine power rationing by postcode. In response, there’s a growing groundswell of hostility … Continue reading Dumb & Dumber: Continued Wind & Solar Obsession Defies All Logic & Reason

Inconvenient Truths: Sunset & Calm Weather Mean Wind & Solar Can Never Power Us

No country has ever powered itself entirely on wind and solar; no country ever will. And the reason is very simple: sunset and calm weather. Pressed on the inherent intermittency of wind and solar, the acolyte starts muttering about “storage” as if it were a thing. It isn’t and, for reasons of physics and economics, … Continue reading Inconvenient Truths: Sunset & Calm Weather Mean Wind & Solar Can Never Power Us

EV Collision Course: More Big Batteries Means More Major Environmental Destruction

Giant lithium-ion batteries are said to be the panacea for the hopeless intermittency of wind and solar; they’re also said to be the backbone for an all-Electric Vehicle future. Neither proposition stands a moment’s scrutiny. The true cost of energy storage using lithium-ion batteries is phenomenal, such that it will never match the scale needed … Continue reading EV Collision Course: More Big Batteries Means More Major Environmental Destruction

No Solution to Wind Power’s Hopeless Intermittency: Cost Kills Big Battery Myth

The big wind drought in Europe has acolytes ranting about giant batteries saving the day. It’s a typical but delusional response to wind power’s hopeless intermittency. True enough, at the margins, it is possible to store electricity. But, the cost of doing so on any kind of scale is simply out of this world. Then … Continue reading No Solution to Wind Power’s Hopeless Intermittency: Cost Kills Big Battery Myth

Terminal Power Policy: California’s Wind & Solar Crusade Destined for Epic Failure

Those claiming that we’ll soon be exclusively powered by wind and solar clearly failed arithmetic. To keep an electricity grid functioning requires a precise volume of power to be generated and transmitted that precisely matches the volume of power consumed, over time and at all times. Sunset and/or calm weather have the, rather obvious, effect … Continue reading Terminal Power Policy: California’s Wind & Solar Crusade Destined for Epic Failure

Impossible Dream: Why Energy Storage Systems Can’t Solve Wind & Solar’s Intermittency

Renewable energy storage is literally setting the world on fire. When giant lithium-ion batteries aren’t exploding in toxic balls of flame, their limited capacity means that they add a trivial occasional trickle of electricity to the grid; and do so at an astronomical cost. The wind and solar acolyte would have us believe that if … Continue reading Impossible Dream: Why Energy Storage Systems Can’t Solve Wind & Solar’s Intermittency