Highway Robbery: How Wind & Solar Subsidies Drive Power Prices Out of This World

Every country that’s tapped into subsidised wind and solar is suffering rocketing power prices. No ifs, no buts, no exceptions. The cost of the subsidies, both explicit and implicit, constitute a substantial part of the staggering and increasing power bills that households and businesses are being smashed with. Australia is a prime example. Just over … Continue reading Highway Robbery: How Wind & Solar Subsidies Drive Power Prices Out of This World

Punishment Guaranteed: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Delivers Power Price Shock

The clowns have taken over the circus and are firmly in charge of energy policy, which in its design and implementation makes a three-ringed circus look like a Benedictine Monastery. It's said you shouldn't put down to conspiracy what can be chalked up to incompetence. Well, with Australian power prices rising at double-digit rates every … Continue reading Punishment Guaranteed: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Delivers Power Price Shock

Australian Energy Minister’s Rejection of Nuclear Power Wins Prize For Dumbest Policy Move Ever

Apart from wrecking Australia’s reliable and affordable power supplies, there is no Plan A for energy. And there clearly isn’t a Plan B. The Minister in charge of the current fiasco is Chris Bowen. A man who fails to exhibit any sign of intellect, let alone any indication of insight or wisdom. His maniacal mission … Continue reading Australian Energy Minister’s Rejection of Nuclear Power Wins Prize For Dumbest Policy Move Ever

Energy Transition Turns High Farce: Power Prices Surge 80% After Coal-Fired Plant Shutdown

Destroying coal-fired power plants is all part of the grand wind and solar ‘transition’ and precisely the point of the subsidies to wind and solar which are designed to allow the unreliables to undercut cheap and reliable coal-fired power, thereby driving coal-fired plants out of business. The inevitable consequences include rocketing power prices and rolling … Continue reading Energy Transition Turns High Farce: Power Prices Surge 80% After Coal-Fired Plant Shutdown

Endless Subsidies For Unreliable Wind & Solar are an Economic Suicide Pact

Australia’s renewable energy target has subsidised wind and solar to the tune of more than $60 billion, wrecked its grid and driven power prices through the roof. Its manufacturing industry is in tatters (tens of thousands of jobs have disappeared forever); energy-intensive mineral processors, such as aluminium, copper lead and zinc smelters are on life … Continue reading Endless Subsidies For Unreliable Wind & Solar are an Economic Suicide Pact

Renewables Reckoning: Wind & Solar Deliver Power Pricing & Supply Calamity

Australia’s renewable energy policy reads more like a suicide note than an energy roadmap. In a couple of months - as temperatures rise and, so too, the demand for electricity to power millions of air conditioners - the power rationing will begin in earnest (again) and the daily spot price for electricity will go through … Continue reading Renewables Reckoning: Wind & Solar Deliver Power Pricing & Supply Calamity

Path to Recovery: Scrapping Subsidies to Never-Reliable Wind & Solar Key to Economic Revival

There’s a reason that South Australians suffer the world’s highest retail power prices; and that’s because it’s the world’s wind and solar capital. It is an economic backwater, with Australia’s highest rate of unemployment, which can only worsen after the Draconian COVID-19 lockdowns imposed on commercial and social life destroyed thousands of jobs, many of … Continue reading Path to Recovery: Scrapping Subsidies to Never-Reliable Wind & Solar Key to Economic Revival

Suicide Watch: Morrison Government’s Latest Energy Policy A Guaranteed Economy Wrecker

  The Federal government’s policy of continuing to subsidise hopelessly unreliable wind and solar has driven power prices through the roof and businesses out the door. At a time when every industry and business is looking for some sign of sense and reason from policymakers, instead of delivering a raft of policies that just might … Continue reading Suicide Watch: Morrison Government’s Latest Energy Policy A Guaranteed Economy Wrecker

Punishing Price: Australia’s Wind & Solar Obsession Means Power Prices Keep Rocketing

Like night follows day, adding chaotically intermittent wind and solar to your grid sends power prices into orbit. South Australians know it: they suffer the world’s highest power prices as a result of their 50% RET. Other Australian states are heading in the same direction. Victoria’s great wind rush has already sent prices rocketing: wholesale … Continue reading Punishing Price: Australia’s Wind & Solar Obsession Means Power Prices Keep Rocketing

Total Flop: 20 years & $60 Billion in Subsidies, Wind & Solar ‘Deliver’ Risible 7% of Australia’s Power Demand

The line that Australia’s rocketing power prices will soon plummet is just a cruel hoax. The subsidies for large-scale wind and solar under the Federal government’s Large-Scale RET will total more than $60 billion over the life of that scheme: the Renewable Energy Certificates issued under the LRET have already added more than $18 billion … Continue reading Total Flop: 20 years & $60 Billion in Subsidies, Wind & Solar ‘Deliver’ Risible 7% of Australia’s Power Demand