Faking It: Why ‘Cheap’ Wind & Solar Power Claims Never Stack Up

Like any ideological cult, wind and solar acolytes bury troublesome facts and replace them with oodles of helpful fiction. Start with the supposed cost of the electricity occasionally generated by wind turbines and solar panels. The usual trick is to invent some model said to capture the unique benefits of running on sunshine and breezes. … Continue reading Faking It: Why ‘Cheap’ Wind & Solar Power Claims Never Stack Up

Unreliable Wind & Solar Deliver Increased Risk of Costly & Deadly Blackouts

Increasing reliance on wind and solar – aka the ‘unreliables’ – means, that hundreds of businesses and hundreds of thousands of homes often miss out on power when they need it most. Attempting to run on sunshine and breezes is a lot like musical chairs: a game where someone always misses out. Think wind and … Continue reading Unreliable Wind & Solar Deliver Increased Risk of Costly & Deadly Blackouts

Propaganda Flip: Renewables Cult Claim They Never Said Wind & Solar Would Be Cheap

The wind and solar industries are struggling to win the hearts and minds of householders and businesses being belted by skyrocketing power prices. Built on lies and run on subsidies, it comes as no surprise that the truth about heavily subsidised and chaotically intermittent wind and solar would eventually work its way to the surface. … Continue reading Propaganda Flip: Renewables Cult Claim They Never Said Wind & Solar Would Be Cheap

Shredded: Wind & Solar Transition Delivers Economy-Crushing Power Prices

Subsidised wind and solar are driving power prices into orbit and whole industries into bankruptcy around the globe. Australia, is no exception. When wind and solar acolytes start talking about ‘cheap renewables’ powering a manufacturing renaissance you know you really are dealing with a deranged cult. Heading up the cult in Australia is the PM, … Continue reading Shredded: Wind & Solar Transition Delivers Economy-Crushing Power Prices

Occasional Wind & Solar Generation Guarantee Staggering Backup Costs

Sunset kills solar output the same way calm weather renders wind turbines utterly useless. Around the world $trillions have been squandered on occasional power generation which is always and everywhere dependent on sunshine and/or the weather. In the beginning, there was a perfectly functional power supply with reliable generators connected by a systematically designed grid … Continue reading Occasional Wind & Solar Generation Guarantee Staggering Backup Costs

Uncontrollable Surge: Daytime Solar Output Swamps Grid & Wrecks Power Market

The chaos that’s wrecking our power supplies is what happens when engineers are replaced by ideologues. Long on cultish mantras about the ‘inevitable transition’ and the wonders of ‘free wind and solar energy’, but short on maths, physics and economics, the clowns in charge of our power supplies would have been charged with treason, not … Continue reading Uncontrollable Surge: Daytime Solar Output Swamps Grid & Wrecks Power Market

Purely Ideological: No Hope of Ever Satisfying Net-Zero CO2 Targets With Wind & Solar

The wind and solar transition is just like every other grand 5-year-plan dreamt up by socialists, except the fact that crony capitalists are loving every minute of it. Ambitious (and ludicrous) wind and solar generation targets have given way to even more ambitious (and completely ludicrous) net-zero carbon oxide gas targets. Neither have a hope … Continue reading Purely Ideological: No Hope of Ever Satisfying Net-Zero CO2 Targets With Wind & Solar

Simply Staggering: Power Users Bear The True Cost of Subsidised Wind and Solar

Every state or country that ramps up wind and solar capacity ends up with rocketing power prices and an unreliable grid – no exceptions. Press members of the wind and sun cult for an example of the alternative outcome and they’ll quickly deflect and change the subject, keep pressing and then you’ll get ranting about … Continue reading Simply Staggering: Power Users Bear The True Cost of Subsidised Wind and Solar

Countries With Most Wind & Solar Generation Suffer World’s Highest Power Prices

As night follows day, adding more wind and solar capacity inevitably results in rocketing power prices. The hard numbers say it all. China enjoys the world’s lowest power prices, thanks to cheap, abundant and reliable coal-fired power. Adding to their advantage, China is building dozens of new coal-fired and nuclear powered plants. It’s almost as … Continue reading Countries With Most Wind & Solar Generation Suffer World’s Highest Power Prices

Grand Solar Power Rush Ends With Panels Being Used As Garden Fencing

A decade from now, the wind and solar transition will resemble Alice’s trip down the rabbit hole – a place inhabited by lunatics and where nothing makes sense. Massive and seemingly endless subsidies have perverted the ordinary signals that free and open markets deliver. In Europe, the grand wind and solar rush has come to … Continue reading Grand Solar Power Rush Ends With Panels Being Used As Garden Fencing