Simply Staggering: Power Users Bear The True Cost of Subsidised Wind and Solar

Every state or country that ramps up wind and solar capacity ends up with rocketing power prices and an unreliable grid - no exceptions. Press members of the wind and sun cult for an example of the alternative outcome and they’ll quickly deflect and change the subject, keep pressing and then you’ll get ranting about … Continue reading Simply Staggering: Power Users Bear The True Cost of Subsidised Wind and Solar

Talk’s Cheap: Wind & Solar The Most Expensive Power Sources

The only way wind and solar look cheap is by ignoring every associated cost attached to generating power using sunshine and breezes. For the last 20 years, the wind industry has presented numbers that never add up. Its accounting ‘methods’ include vastly overstating output (revenue) and grossly understating generating costs (including Operations and Maintenance) (expenses); … Continue reading Talk’s Cheap: Wind & Solar The Most Expensive Power Sources

Starry-Eyed Dreams v Economic Reality: Why The Wind Industry’s Numbers Can Never Stack Up

Take away the massive subsidies, guaranteed fixed price contracts, soft loans, mandated targets, etc and the wind industry would disappear in a heartbeat. Those matters, all the product of meddling governments, are the only reason we are having this discussion, at all. After 30 years and hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies - redirected … Continue reading Starry-Eyed Dreams v Economic Reality: Why The Wind Industry’s Numbers Can Never Stack Up