Ontario’s Farmers ask: which part of “NO” don’t you understand?


The forces for common sense took to the highway in Ontario last weekend in an effort to make their hopelessly corrupt government come to grips with the great wind power fraud.

Here’s a video of the event:



More than 150 vehicles take to Hwy. 402 for mass rally against wind turbines
Chip Martin
The London Free Press
19 October 2013

STRATHROY – Fired up and feisty, farmers angered at Ontario’s growing crop of wind turbines shut down a third of a major Southwestern Ontario trade artery Saturday.

With about 150 vehicles including pickups, massive tractors and other farm machinery – including a manure wagon – the massive convoy with police escort shut down the 30-kilometre mid-section of Hwy. 402 west of Strathroy.

“Premier Wynne, you will learn we are a tough crowd to deal with when we are pissed off,” activist anti-turbine firebrand Esther Wrightman told a post-convoy rally of about 300 in Strathroy.

“We will not be bullied and terrorized any more,” the organizer told the crowd of protesters who endured a steady cold rain.

Wrightman has been waging war against plans for a forest of industrial wind turbines planned for the farmfields west of Strathroy and into Lambton County.

“This is a demonstration of we the people, against we the corporations. Wind companies are strangling rural Ontario.”

Wrightman admitted earlier she was surprised at the strong turnout from as far afield as the Niagara region and Grey County.

“It just shows the anger out there,” she said moments before the convoy took to the highway at Hwy. 402 south of Forest.

OPP escorted the rolling protest and closed the highway’s entrances in the affected section.

“We understand they have a right to express their opinions,” said Const. Kevin Howe, noting police were on hand to ensure public safety. He said no incidents were reported and no one was arrested during the peaceful event.

Signs were everywhere, some rather crude and pointed and others noting 74 municipalities in Ontario have signed on as “unwilling hosts” for new wind turbines as the Liberal government continues to push renewable energy.

“Stop the Rape of Rural Ontario,” “No Means No,” and “The Wynne Scam,” were a few of the more reportable messages.

Area Conservative MPPs Monte McNaughton, Bob Bailey and Lisa Thompson were joined by the party’s energy critic Lisa McLeod, all of whom blasted the Wynne government for ignoring rural concerns and promising to revoke the Green Energy Act.

“This is the most distrastrous policy in the province’s history,” MacNaughton said, blaming the loss of 300,000 industrial jobs on the energy policy of the Liberals.

When organizers thanked the OPP for their understanding and patience at their act of civil disobedience, the crowd responded with warm applause.
The London Free Press

STT says “Hats off” to the fired-up and feisty farmers of Ontario for this clever little stunt!

See more pictures here


5 thoughts on “Ontario’s Farmers ask: which part of “NO” don’t you understand?

  1. No matter where we are in the World those of us that are effected by this Government orchestrated and choreographed Wind Turbine Fraud, sing to the same tune. The people that give us these things have to be absolutely dumb to fail to see that the people have had enough and the ground swell has started, although reasonably friendly and law abiding, this attitude will not last for 25 years.

    Human nature and History are going to combine.

    Please send this on to your favourite Politician, it really covers everything. One thing you might have noticed from the video is this a very rich area. The vehicles and tractors all new. Why on earth would you trash this? As for me, the vehicles were a case of eat your heart out. Good Luck to you there in Canada, I am looking for a new place to go, however leaving one crappy wind turbine place, for another, is not an option.

  2. Well done Ontario, these companies pretend they don’t know why people are willing to work so hard to stop them.
    But they’ve known for many years that they were hiding the truth behind lies they continually espoused for years. Now they are being made to realise the truth is out, and they cannot comprehend how it’s possible that we, the citizens, managed to break down their defences, how we uncovered the lies, and how we have been able to mobilise to spread the truth.

    What they fail to understand is that when you tell a lie you have to keep telling them until one day the tower of lies falls over. That day has come, so stand back, we are not about to give you any assistance to try and wriggle out of your responsibilities to us and the environment. You will now have to accept your industry is unravelling – never to be rewound. Like your turbines the industry has a short lifespan, with a limited intermittent ability performing at a poor level.

  3. It was an excellent day, and the camaraderie among the windwarriors was amazing! We will continue to “get in their faces”, until the government gives democracy back to rural Ontario!

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