What’s Chaos?: It’s When the Weather Determines Whether You’ll Get Power Or Not

STT often wonders which part of ‘calm weather’ wind power acolytes are still having trouble with? Over the last few months, the output from Australia’s wind power fleet has not only been erratic, it’s been utterly pathetic. Any other enterprise that delivered its goods on such a haphazard, sporadic and chaotic basis would be laughed … Continue reading What’s Chaos?: It’s When the Weather Determines Whether You’ll Get Power Or Not

Helplessly Hopeless: Australia’s Wind Industry Promises Big, But Never Delivers

It takes audacity to call yourself an ‘industry’ when you can’t say when you’ll deliver your product and its only ever delivered 30% of the time, at best. But that’s the business model upon which our wonderful wind powered future is predicated. Australia’s wind ‘industry’ is literally suffering a case of the doldrums, with its … Continue reading Helplessly Hopeless: Australia’s Wind Industry Promises Big, But Never Delivers

Dead Calm: Australia’s Wind ‘Industry’ Suffering From Prolonged Wind ‘Drought’

Australia’s wind industry has been suffering from the Big Calm - with dozens of occasions over the last month or so when the entire wind fleet’s battled to deliver more than a tiny fraction of its combined capacity. Depicted above – courtesy of Aneroid Energy – is the output delivered by Australian wind power outfits to … Continue reading Dead Calm: Australia’s Wind ‘Industry’ Suffering From Prolonged Wind ‘Drought’

Woeful Wind: New Data Shows Wind Power Output Is Pathetic Across UK & Europe

Adding wind power generating capacity is one occasion when ‘more’, truly means ‘less’. No matter how much of other people’s money gets spent spearing wind turbines all over the countryside, the result is the same: whether it’s 10,000 or 100,000 MW of available wind power capacity, when calm weather sets in, the combined output adds … Continue reading Woeful Wind: New Data Shows Wind Power Output Is Pathetic Across UK & Europe

Kiwi Wind Farms ‘Lazy as Bro’: New Zealand’s Wind Turbines Produce Nothing 80% Of The Time

  Never there when you need it, often there when you don’t, wind power is, at best, an infantile joke. Promised output figures are rarely realised. What’s referred to as the “capacity factor” of any given wind farm is said to represent a proportional, and meaningful, contribution to electricity demand. Except, instead of powering the … Continue reading Kiwi Wind Farms ‘Lazy as Bro’: New Zealand’s Wind Turbines Produce Nothing 80% Of The Time

Pointless Part-Time Power: Germany’s Readily Available Wind Power Capacity Less Than 1% of Total Installed Capacity

  When it comes to actually delivering wind power, the real and the ideal are a gulf apart. In Australia, the average capacity factor (the ratio between actual output and nominal capacity) is just on 28% across the Eastern Grid, where 1,800 turbines with a total capacity of 5,100 MW have been speared across four … Continue reading Pointless Part-Time Power: Germany’s Readily Available Wind Power Capacity Less Than 1% of Total Installed Capacity

The Colossal Cost of Intermittent & Unreliable Wind Power

**** There are 3 electricity essentials – that the power source and its delivery to homes and businesses be: 1) reliable; 2) secure; and 3) affordable. Which means that wind power – a wholly weather dependent power source, that can’t be stored and costs 3-4 times the cost of conventional power – scores NIL on … Continue reading The Colossal Cost of Intermittent & Unreliable Wind Power

Britain’s Insanely Expensive & Utterly Pointless Wind Power Fiasco Exposed

**** When it comes to their demand for electricity, the power consumer has a couple of basic needs: when they hit the light switch they assume illumination will shortly follow and that when the kettle is kicked into gear it’ll be boiling soon thereafter. And the power consumer assumes that these – and similar actions … Continue reading Britain’s Insanely Expensive & Utterly Pointless Wind Power Fiasco Exposed