Blackout Blitz: Power Prices Rocket As London Struggles to Keep the Lights On

The lamps went out across Europe in 1914, 1939 and now they’re going out, again. This time, thanks to a maniacal obsession with intermittent wind and solar. Wishful thinking, combined with ideological zealotry has left Britain’s energy supplies in tatters. Germany is in the same boat, and for the same reasons. A few months from … Continue reading Blackout Blitz: Power Prices Rocket As London Struggles to Keep the Lights On

Time to Ditch Meaningless Medieval Wind Power & Embrace Modern Nuclear Power

Wind power was abandoned centuries ago, for pretty obvious reasons, known to kite flyers and sailors, since the beginning of time. Sure, in medieval times, when there was no alternative, harnessing nature’s energy make sense. But not now. It was coal that dragged Europe out of the Dark Ages, by providing around-the-clock power, not windmills. … Continue reading Time to Ditch Meaningless Medieval Wind Power & Embrace Modern Nuclear Power

Deep ‘Green’ Punishment: Power Prices Set To Double In Wind Power Obsessed Britain

Thanks to the UK's love affair with intermittent wind power, Brit’s power bills will double this April when a legislated price cap is lifted; UK power prices are already amongst the highest in Europe. And there is much worse to come. Instead of coming to grips with its self-inflicted renewable energy calamity, its energy brains … Continue reading Deep ‘Green’ Punishment: Power Prices Set To Double In Wind Power Obsessed Britain

Don’t Believe The Hype: Britain’s Power Price Hike All Due to Subsidised Wind Power

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Brits are already paying the price for its suicidal renewable energy policies. Under ‘Bonkers’ Boris that price will be positively murderous. His plan to squander a further £50,000,000,000 on subsidies and over-the-market contracts for intermittent offshore wind power beggars belief. And will turn many on the lower … Continue reading Don’t Believe The Hype: Britain’s Power Price Hike All Due to Subsidised Wind Power

Some Transition!: Europe’s Power Prices Rocket Whenever the Sun Sets & Calm Weather Sets In

  Europe’s ‘inevitable transition’ to wind and solar is not looking so ‘inevitable’, after all. A burst of cold, calm weather has grid managers panicking as to where their next megawatt might come from. Those opportunistic ‘devils’ who command reliable, fossil-fuelled power generation sources are making out like veritable bandits. While power punters are bracing … Continue reading Some Transition!: Europe’s Power Prices Rocket Whenever the Sun Sets & Calm Weather Sets In

Brits Belted: UK’s Subsidised Wind Power Obsession Leaves 3,000,000 Households Suffering Energy Poverty

Millions of British households face another bitter winter, unable to meet their rocketing power bills. An obsession with chaotically intermittent wind power (both off and onshore) has sent power prices spiralling. And, adding to the misery, the annual cost of renewable energy subsidies, Feed in Tariffs, fixed contract prices for wind and solar etc to … Continue reading Brits Belted: UK’s Subsidised Wind Power Obsession Leaves 3,000,000 Households Suffering Energy Poverty

Subsidy Suckers: Britain’s Solar Industry Wallowing in Massive Subsidies, While Power Prices Rocket

The wind and solar industries exist for one reason, and one reason only: massive subsidies. There’s a reason that holidaying Sun-seekers rarely put Britain on their bucket list. Dismally short days during bitter winters suggest that the UK would be one of the last places anyone would contemplate any serious reliance on solar power. And … Continue reading Subsidy Suckers: Britain’s Solar Industry Wallowing in Massive Subsidies, While Power Prices Rocket

Brits Belted: Renewables Deliver Wholesale Energy Poverty – Poorest Families Left Power-less

RE zealots reckon that an uptick in the number of frozen grannies is a small price to pay for our ‘inevitable’ wind and solar powered future. As Brits brace for another frigid winter, spare a thought for the hundreds of thousands who - thanks to rocketing power prices driven by Britain’s renewables obsession - will … Continue reading Brits Belted: Renewables Deliver Wholesale Energy Poverty – Poorest Families Left Power-less

‘Green’ Energy Fail: Counting the Staggering Cost of Britain’s CO2 Emissions Reduction Policy

When it comes to reducing carbon dioxide gas, wind power is touted as the perfect panacea - turns out it’s an abject failure on that score, too. Leaving aside arguments about whether CO2 is a toxic pollutant or a naturally occurring beneficial trace gas which plants crave, the primary object of Britain’s effort to power … Continue reading ‘Green’ Energy Fail: Counting the Staggering Cost of Britain’s CO2 Emissions Reduction Policy

Colossal Cost: UK’s Wind Power Scam Leaves Brits With Rocketing Power Prices

The cost of Britain’s ‘green’ energy policies is staggering: power prices have surged and the worst is yet to come. Notwithstanding efforts from those in on the greatest scam of all time, the facts can’t be concealed: Britain’s heavily subsidised and chaotically intermittent wind power fleet is responsible for power prices increasing at double-digit rates, … Continue reading Colossal Cost: UK’s Wind Power Scam Leaves Brits With Rocketing Power Prices