In-a-Nutshell: New Research Shows Why Unreliable Wind & Solar Can Never Power Us

There’s a reason not to support heavily subsidised wind and solar: they simply don’t work as meaningful power sources; they never have and never will. A team of Irish and US-based researchers have produced a comprehensive piece of research explaining just why any dollar spent propping up chaotically intermittent wind and solar with taxpayer’s money, … Continue reading In-a-Nutshell: New Research Shows Why Unreliable Wind & Solar Can Never Power Us

Never Competitive: Britain’s Wind Industry Begs For Even More Massive Subsidies

The wind industry was founded on lies, built on myth and runs on subsidies. ‘Propaganda’ was conjured up by a Catholic Pope, employed with devastating effect by the Nazis and still maintains control over the masses in China. But it wasn’t until the wind industry switched into gear that propaganda really hit its straps. Being … Continue reading Never Competitive: Britain’s Wind Industry Begs For Even More Massive Subsidies

Money For Jam: Intermittent & Unreliable Wind & Solar The Greatest Subsidy Scam In History

The so-called wind and solar ‘industries’ were built on lies, myths and propaganda and run on subsidies. As wind power ‘investor’ Warren Buffett put it: “We get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense without the tax credit.” Buffett might … Continue reading Money For Jam: Intermittent & Unreliable Wind & Solar The Greatest Subsidy Scam In History

Policy Burn Out: Rocketing Power Prices Product of Government Obsession with Unreliable Wind & Solar

“The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help”. So said Ronald Reagan, the folksy and affable 40th President of the USA. And, so it’s been with energy policy in the USA, Australia, Europe and dozens of other places where lobbyists took control of politicians and … Continue reading Policy Burn Out: Rocketing Power Prices Product of Government Obsession with Unreliable Wind & Solar

Counting the Cost: Wind & Solar Obsession Means Californian Power Prices 50% Higher Than US Average

Claims that wind and solar are cheap, simply don’t add up. Glaring examples such as Germany, Denmark and South Australia tell the tale. Like night follows day, add heavily subsidised and chaotically intermittent wind and solar to your grid, and power prices are bound to spiral out of control. For RE zealots it’s one of … Continue reading Counting the Cost: Wind & Solar Obsession Means Californian Power Prices 50% Higher Than US Average

Europe’s Energy Crisis: Counting the Staggering Cost of Subsidising Unreliable Wind & Solar

Adding inherently unreliable and heavily subsidised wind and solar to your grid is a guarantee of rocketing power prices. Every place in the world that got serious about wind and solar is being belted with serious increases in electricity costs. Wind and solar ‘powered’ Germany and wind ‘powered’ Denmark pay Europe’s highest power prices, by … Continue reading Europe’s Energy Crisis: Counting the Staggering Cost of Subsidising Unreliable Wind & Solar

Following False Prophets: Why Wind & Solar Can Never Replace Fossil Fuels

Sunset and calm weather mean wind and solar can and will never replace conventional power generators. By ‘conventional’ we mean coal, gas, nuclear and, where geography and geology permit, stored hydro and geothermal power. Show a picture like the one above - the entire output of every wind turbine connected to Australia’s Eastern Grid during … Continue reading Following False Prophets: Why Wind & Solar Can Never Replace Fossil Fuels

Run Aground: Intermittent Offshore Wind Power Costs 25 Times More Than Ever-Reliable Coal, Gas & Nuclear

Wind power is a pointless nonsense: 100% of its capacity must be backed up 100% of the time with a meaningful, conventional generation source: coal, gas, hydro or nuclear. That grouping never needs ‘backup’, ‘firming’, batteries or prayers to the Wind Gods and such like; they just work, whatever the weather, 24 x 365. Whereas, … Continue reading Run Aground: Intermittent Offshore Wind Power Costs 25 Times More Than Ever-Reliable Coal, Gas & Nuclear

Inevitable Transition: End to Subsidies Spells Armageddon for Ageing Wind Turbines in Europe

With wind power subsidies drying up across Europe, the prospects for RE rent seekers look bleaker than ever. It seems like only yesterday, that we were told that wind power was cheaper than coal, sustainable and would power us into the next millennium. Indeed, the transition was meant to be ‘inevitable’. Meanwhile, back on Earth, … Continue reading Inevitable Transition: End to Subsidies Spells Armageddon for Ageing Wind Turbines in Europe

America’s Wind Industry Squeals as Republicans Slash Massive Wind Power Subsidies

The wind industry is a lot like Peter Pan – the perpetual infant, hard-wired to fight, kick and scream to avoid the stark reality of adulthood. How often have we heard the yarn about wind power needing those life-giving subsidies (filched in their hundreds of $billions from taxpayers and power consumers) to continue for just … Continue reading America’s Wind Industry Squeals as Republicans Slash Massive Wind Power Subsidies