Wind Power Subsidy Cuts Kill Thousands of Green Jobs: Siemens Sacks 6,000 Workers

The wind industry is little more than the most recent and elaborate effort to fleece gullible investors, in a list that dates back to “corporate investment classics”, like the South-Sea Bubble and Dutch tulip mania. In the wind industry, the scam is all about pitching bogus projected returns (based on overblown wind “forecasts”) (see our posts here and here and here and here); claiming that … Continue reading Wind Power Subsidy Cuts Kill Thousands of Green Jobs: Siemens Sacks 6,000 Workers

2 Year Old Siemens Turbines Falling Apart: Wind Farm Investors, Get Out While You Can

These days, the spontaneous combustion of wind turbines is an occurrence so common that STT is thinking about opening a sub-branch that deals exclusively with their terrifying pyrotechnic-melt-downs. Giant fan conflagrations are 10 times more common than the wind industry and its parasites will ever admit (see our post here). And these unscheduled fireworks shows … Continue reading 2 Year Old Siemens Turbines Falling Apart: Wind Farm Investors, Get Out While You Can

Faulty Turbines Sending Siemen’s Wind Power Division Broke as Samsung Cuts & Runs from Europe

**** German fan maker, Siemens has been running a huge propaganda campaign in South Australia over the last couple of weeks, surrounding the opening of the extension of the Snowtown wind farm – wheeling in Australia’s 2011 Tour de France winner, Cadel Evans as their pet-pedal-powered mascot. And its highly paid wind farm ambassador, Tim … Continue reading Faulty Turbines Sending Siemen’s Wind Power Division Broke as Samsung Cuts & Runs from Europe