Slash Wind Power Subsidies & Bring Power Prices Back to Earth

With Australia’s wind industry gasping its last breath, their hired spruikers at the Clean Energy Council have taken to peddling the incredible tale that wind power has led to a REDUCTION in our power bills. Trouble is that wind power generation (the product of the mandatory RET - which has been in operation since 2001) … Continue reading Slash Wind Power Subsidies & Bring Power Prices Back to Earth

Tony Abbott’s Business Advisor, Maurice Newman says: “RET is killing manufacturing”

Maurice Newman was the former head of Deutsche Bank, the ABC and ASX so you’d think he might know a thing or two about the big end of town. When it comes to giant fans Maurice doesn’t mince his words: calling wind power “a crime against the people” (see our post here). Maurice has also … Continue reading Tony Abbott’s Business Advisor, Maurice Newman says: “RET is killing manufacturing”

“Macca” & “Ronno” should watch & learn from Europe

In Australia the battle to kill off the Renewable Energy Target has well and truly begun.  In response, wind industry goons have been seen crawling all over the Big House on the Hill in Canberra; trying to schmooze and booze their way into the hearts - and pockets - of a few Coalition members. **** … Continue reading “Macca” & “Ronno” should watch & learn from Europe