Renewables Generated Demand For Rare Earths Generating Toxic & Lasting Legacy

Sure, China profits from the great wind and solar scam, but it comes with a toxic legacy caused its rare earth processors that make it all possible. Every wind turbine, every all-EV and every solar panel critically depends upon a myriad of so-called ‘rare earths’. The minerals in question have become ‘rare’, of late, as … Continue reading Renewables Generated Demand For Rare Earths Generating Toxic & Lasting Legacy

Environment Wreckers: Wind & Solar Chewing Up World’s Resources At Astonishing Rate

Diffuse, intermittent and unreliable wind and solar are utterly pointless as power sources – because they can’t deliver power as and when we need it. However, as a source of insatiable demand for the Planet’s (purportedly) dwindling resources they blitz the field. At the heart of every Electric Vehicle, solar panel and wind turbine there’s … Continue reading Environment Wreckers: Wind & Solar Chewing Up World’s Resources At Astonishing Rate

Dirty Truth About ‘Clean’ Technologies: Or The True Cost of Climate Virtue Signalling

If ‘green’ means squandering the world’s resources, then wind and solar fit the bill, but if it’s about ‘saving the planet’, then they’re an almighty fraud. Having operated in this space since December 2012, when it comes to wind and solar industry spin and propaganda, STT has seen it all and heard it all. Wind … Continue reading Dirty Truth About ‘Clean’ Technologies: Or The True Cost of Climate Virtue Signalling

Rapacious Renewables: Wind & Solar’s Insatiable Demand For Minerals Beyond Belief

Economics is about using scarce resources to meet insatiable wants; in contrast wind and solar devour scarce resources and provide nothing much in return. Diffuse, intermittent and unreliable wind and solar are utterly pointless as power sources – because they can’t deliver power as and when we need it. However, as a source of insatiable … Continue reading Rapacious Renewables: Wind & Solar’s Insatiable Demand For Minerals Beyond Belief

Renewables Driven Demand for Rare Earths Leaves America Vulnerable to CCP Extortion

Every wind turbine, every all EV and every solar panel critically depends upon a myriad of so-called ‘rare earths’. The minerals in question have become ‘rare’, of late, as a consequence of the Western world’s insatiable appetite for ‘feelgood’ electricity generated by sunshine and breezes, occasionally stored in giant lithium batteries, as well as the … Continue reading Renewables Driven Demand for Rare Earths Leaves America Vulnerable to CCP Extortion

In-a-Nutshell: New Research Shows Why Unreliable Wind & Solar Can Never Power Us

There’s a reason not to support heavily subsidised wind and solar: they simply don’t work as meaningful power sources; they never have and never will. A team of Irish and US-based researchers have produced a comprehensive piece of research explaining just why any dollar spent propping up chaotically intermittent wind and solar with taxpayer’s money, … Continue reading In-a-Nutshell: New Research Shows Why Unreliable Wind & Solar Can Never Power Us

Filthy ‘Green’ Future: The Dark & Toxic Side of Wind & Solar Power

  There’s nothing ‘clean’ or ‘green’ about wind and solar power and anyone telling you otherwise is either an idiot, or they’re in on it. The faux environmentalist is easy to spot: he loves industrial wind power and couldn’t care less about the environmental destruction it causes. Faced with the rampant slaughter of birds and … Continue reading Filthy ‘Green’ Future: The Dark & Toxic Side of Wind & Solar Power

Massive & Endless Subsidies: The Only Thing That Makes Wind Power ‘Sustainable’

Cut the subsidies and the wind industry would disappear overnight. Warren Buffett put it best: “We get a tax credit if we build a lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make sense without the tax credit.” Precisely!! Wind power makes absolutely no sense at any level: environmental, social or … Continue reading Massive & Endless Subsidies: The Only Thing That Makes Wind Power ‘Sustainable’

Cost-Effective ‘Renewable’ Energy Is Like Unobtanium: A Fictional Construct

Wind power sits comfortably alongside Alchemy and perpetual motion machines: ideas that were both superficially attractive and utterly impossible. No country has ever powered itself entirely with wind power, and no country ever will. Putting aside their unreliability and chaotic intermittency, the amount of energy and resources that go into building a single wind turbine … Continue reading Cost-Effective ‘Renewable’ Energy Is Like Unobtanium: A Fictional Construct

How Green Hypocrites Use Energy Illiteracy to Prey on the Gullible and Naive

In Australia, at least, education has been reduced to helping our little darlings understand why they feel the way they do. The hard graft of maths and science has given way to gender theory. Little wonder that the current generation have no idea how energy is produced, how much is consumed and who or what … Continue reading How Green Hypocrites Use Energy Illiteracy to Prey on the Gullible and Naive