Punishment Guaranteed: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Delivers Power Price Shock

The clowns have taken over the circus and are firmly in charge of energy policy, which in its design and implementation makes a three-ringed circus look like a Benedictine Monastery. It's said you shouldn't put down to conspiracy what can be chalked up to incompetence. Well, with Australian power prices rising at double-digit rates every … Continue reading Punishment Guaranteed: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Delivers Power Price Shock

Wind & Solar Wipeout: Reliable & Affordable Power Now Part of Ancient History

Pretty soon, the notion of having affordable power available on demand will be ancient history. Never before in the course of human existence have so few done so much damage to so many. Electricity prices are spiralling out of control in any place attempting to run on sunshine and breezes, power rationing (aka ‘demand management’) … Continue reading Wind & Solar Wipeout: Reliable & Affordable Power Now Part of Ancient History

Net-Zero Targets Obsession Guaranteed to Destroy Reliable & Affordable Power Supplies

The failure to advance nuclear power in this country to replace coal-fired plants being driven out of business by massive subsidies to wind and solar beggars belief. Everyone with half a brain is alive to the fact that chaotically intermittent and heavily subsidised wind and solar are responsible for Australia's power pricing and supply calamity Australian households … Continue reading Net-Zero Targets Obsession Guaranteed to Destroy Reliable & Affordable Power Supplies

House of Cards: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Delivers Total Energy System Collapse

A house of cards has more structural integrity than a power generation system that depends on sunshine and breezes. Australia’s unfolding renewable energy debacle is a case in point. Total daily collapses solar output (aka ‘sunset’) and total collapses in wind power output (aka ‘calm weather’) are at the heart of a power pricing and … Continue reading House of Cards: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Delivers Total Energy System Collapse

Wind Power: The Complete Joke That Just Isn’t Funny Anymore

If it were only intended as a joke, wind power would be hilarious. However, the power pricing and supply calamity that follows any attempt to rely on sunshine and breezes tend to sober things up. Random 3,000 to 4,000 MW wind power output collapses are at the heart of Australia’s self-inflicted renewable energy debacle. The … Continue reading Wind Power: The Complete Joke That Just Isn’t Funny Anymore

Psycho Simon: Renewable Energy Zealots Incite Terrorism Against Wind & Solar Critics

As a rule, RE zealots are not only stupid and selfish, they’re invariably nasty and prone to fits of outrage and violence. Leading the gang in Australia is silver-spooner, Simon Holmes a Court. Simon has a Masters in Smug, the result of the enormous pile accumulated by his (late) billionaire corporate-raider daddy, Robert. And claims … Continue reading Psycho Simon: Renewable Energy Zealots Incite Terrorism Against Wind & Solar Critics