Victim: Rose Dooley

STT would like to introduce you to Rose Dooley, who has lived at Elm Grove at Crookwell, New South Wales, all her life. Homes are important places and Rose wants to stay in hers. Unfortunately her family home is 600m from turbines of the Crookwell Wind Farm which has been operating since 1998. Rose describes … Continue reading Victim: Rose Dooley

Victims: Carl and Sam Stepnell

STT would like you to meet Carl and Samantha Stepnell, who have long since left their home, which was 900m from the turbines at the Waubra Wind Farm. They have moved a 30 minute drive away for the sake of their health and sanity. Samantha was severely affected, as soon as the turbines started - … Continue reading Victims: Carl and Sam Stepnell