The Great Wind Power Swindle: Households & Businesses Being Crushed By Record Power Bills

If wind power is cheap, why does every country obsessed with it suffer rocketing power prices? The game of smoke and mirrors played by renewable energy rent-seekers, has enabled them to avoid any critical scrutiny of the role heavily subsidised and chaotically intermittent wind and solar play in driving power prices into orbit. A decade of … Continue reading The Great Wind Power Swindle: Households & Businesses Being Crushed By Record Power Bills

Suicidal Sleepwalk: Time to Stop Emulating Europe’s Wind & Solar Obsession

As Germans and Brits stock up on woollen blankets and candles, the world has a chance to avoid the perfectly avoidable. In both cases, an obsession with chaotically intermittent and heavily subsidised wind and solar has them scrambling for reliable energy - as if thousands of lives depend on it - which they literally do. … Continue reading Suicidal Sleepwalk: Time to Stop Emulating Europe’s Wind & Solar Obsession

Not So Cheap: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Sends Britain’s Power Prices Into Orbit

Britain and Germany are the star players in Europe’s self-inflicted renewable energy calamity. Faced with power rationing and crippling power bills, Germans and Brits must be thanking their lucky stars that their governments had the wit and foresight to destroy their coal-fired power plants and give nuclear power the flick. Banning the exploitation of Britain’s … Continue reading Not So Cheap: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Sends Britain’s Power Prices Into Orbit

Self-Inflicted Wind & Solar Calamity Forces Brits to Embrace Reliable Nuclear Power

Necessity is the mother of energy policy reinvention, and safe, reliable and affordable nuclear is at the heart of it. In Britain, thanks to its obsession with heavily subsidised and chaotically intermittent wind and solar, power prices are already at astronomical levels. Its political betters are ruing the day they determined to trash their coal-fired … Continue reading Self-Inflicted Wind & Solar Calamity Forces Brits to Embrace Reliable Nuclear Power

Transition to Poverty: Britain Being Crushed By Staggering Cost of Wind & Solar Obsession

What does the ‘inevitable’ wind and solar transition look like? Try power-starved Britain, where power prices are out of control, with much, much worse to come. Last October, the average annual energy bill was £1,400 ($2,400). Energy industry analyst Cornwall Insight forecasts that the British price cap will skyrocket and the average annual bill will … Continue reading Transition to Poverty: Britain Being Crushed By Staggering Cost of Wind & Solar Obsession

Oh So ‘Cheap’!: Power Prices Set to Quadruple in Wind & Solar ‘Powered’ Britain

The ultimate cost of renewable energy virtue signalling is truly crippling, wind and solar-obsessed Britain is a case in point. Power prices have doubled over the span of a few months and will quadruple as energy demand spikes again in winter. Attempting to ditch its coal-fired power plants (and converting them to run on wood … Continue reading Oh So ‘Cheap’!: Power Prices Set to Quadruple in Wind & Solar ‘Powered’ Britain

Time to Ditch Meaningless Medieval Wind Power & Embrace Modern Nuclear Power

Wind power was abandoned centuries ago, for pretty obvious reasons, known to kite flyers and sailors, since the beginning of time. Sure, in medieval times, when there was no alternative, harnessing nature’s energy make sense. But not now. It was coal that dragged Europe out of the Dark Ages, by providing around-the-clock power, not windmills. … Continue reading Time to Ditch Meaningless Medieval Wind Power & Embrace Modern Nuclear Power

Total Failure: Britain’s Grand ‘Cheap’ Wind Power Plan Faces Total Collapse

If wind power is so ‘cheap’, then why is it that retail power prices continue to rocket in every country attempting to run on breezes? There are, as this site has pointed out over the last decade, myriad reasons, starting with the fact that wind power can only be delivered as and when Mother Nature … Continue reading Total Failure: Britain’s Grand ‘Cheap’ Wind Power Plan Faces Total Collapse

Inevitable Transition: Why Intermittent Wind Power Drives Power Prices Through The Roof

Every country attempting to run on wind and solar suffers rocketing power prices; no exception. In Britain, power prices jumped 50%, overnight, when a legislated price cap was lifted; and power prices continue to rise at an astonishing rate. Subsidised wind power is at the heart of Britain’s power pricing and supply calamity. Pete North … Continue reading Inevitable Transition: Why Intermittent Wind Power Drives Power Prices Through The Roof

Supply Squeeze: Relying on Wind & Solar? Get Ready For Daily Power Rationing

Daily power rationing is the inevitable product of the ‘inevitable’ transition to an all wind and sun powered future. When the sun sets and/or calm weather sets in wind and solar power can’t be bought, at any price. So, even at first glance, the perceived logic of supplying consumers with electricity from nothing but wholly … Continue reading Supply Squeeze: Relying on Wind & Solar? Get Ready For Daily Power Rationing