National Rally Against Reckless Renewables: Australians Demand Nuclear Power ASAP

Last Tuesday, more than 1,000 Australians marched on Canberra with a simple demand. Australia needs nuclear power ASAP. A lineup of top-flight speakers, including politicians, farmers and hard-core environmentalists (who have turned into the fiercest critics of subsidised wind and solar), backed by a very vocal crowd, laid out the truth about the great wind … Continue reading National Rally Against Reckless Renewables: Australians Demand Nuclear Power ASAP

Energy Policy Screaming Out For Courageous Common Sense Politicians

Reliable and affordable energy supplies were inevitably doomed once political ideologues replaced engineers and market economists. The obsession with hopelessly unreliable and heavily subsidised wind and solar is being driven by a cult with all the rationality and reason of the Spanish Inquisition. Like the Inquisition, it takes more than just a little courage to … Continue reading Energy Policy Screaming Out For Courageous Common Sense Politicians

RE Reverse: 2024 Marks Beginning Of The End For Wind & Solar Transition

The closer countries get to the wind and solar transition, the faster they retreat from it. Across Europe, renewable energy targets have been ditched and replaced with policies built around always-on nuclear power. Finland, Sweden, France and Britain, for starters. Wind turbine and solar panel manufacturers are bleeding cash and their share values have been … Continue reading RE Reverse: 2024 Marks Beginning Of The End For Wind & Solar Transition

Energy Scale: Nuclear Powered Future Means Thinking Big & Acting Now

When it comes to reliable and affordable power, big truly is beautiful. There has been plenty of focus on Small Modular Reactors which, in time, promise to revolutionise the generation and distribution of electricity. However, in the here and now, in Australia the heavy lifting is being done by large-scale coal-fired generators, with gas, diesel … Continue reading Energy Scale: Nuclear Powered Future Means Thinking Big & Acting Now

Destination Disaster: Why Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Guarantees Mass Blackouts & Crippling Prices

Backing ideology over sound engineering was never the smartest ploy. Now the ideologues are in a flat panic as the public begins to realise that they’ve been lied to, all along. The ‘renewables are cheap’ story doesn’t seem to cut it anymore, with Australian households and businesses set for 25-30% increases in their power bills … Continue reading Destination Disaster: Why Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Guarantees Mass Blackouts & Crippling Prices

Punishment Guaranteed: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Delivers Power Price Shock

The clowns have taken over the circus and are firmly in charge of energy policy, which in its design and implementation makes a three-ringed circus look like a Benedictine Monastery. It's said you shouldn't put down to conspiracy what can be chalked up to incompetence. Well, with Australian power prices rising at double-digit rates every … Continue reading Punishment Guaranteed: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Delivers Power Price Shock

Renewables Reckoning: Closing Australia’s Coal-Fired Power Plants Guarantees Grid Collapse

Thanks to an obsessional reliance on wind and solar, Australia’s power grid has all the structural integrity of a house of cards. Based on the delusion that weather-dependent wind and weather and sunshine-dependent solar can actually replace coal-fired power, Australia’s energy policy is deliberately designed to wipe out coal-fired power plants, once and for all. … Continue reading Renewables Reckoning: Closing Australia’s Coal-Fired Power Plants Guarantees Grid Collapse

Australia’s Total Wind & Solar Push – Nothing Short of Total Insanity

Just as Europe reverses course on its wind and solar-powered energy calamity, in Australia, the lunatics in charge of the asylum are determined to double down and destroy what remains of this country’s once reliable and affordable power supplies. With policies directed at wiping reliable coal-fired power plants off the map and rewarding the unreliables … Continue reading Australia’s Total Wind & Solar Push – Nothing Short of Total Insanity

Nut-Zero: Wind & Solar Cult Promise Shared Stone-Age Misery For All (Bar Them)

The wind and sun cult reckon that with a few tweaks and twists we’ll soon be running on nothing but sunshine and breezes. It is, of course, a collective delusion, bound up in a woolly-headed brand of undergraduate Marxism - the kind enamoured of starry-eyed arts and sociology students, around the globe. On their world … Continue reading Nut-Zero: Wind & Solar Cult Promise Shared Stone-Age Misery For All (Bar Them)

Misery Guaranteed: Net Zero CO2 Emissions Targets Mean Taxing Prosperity Out of Existence

As the wind and solar ‘transition’ implodes, the response is to tax the life out of anything still moving, crushing power consumers and taxpayers in the bargain. Ronald Reagan’s quip about how governments treat their economies: “If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it” is … Continue reading Misery Guaranteed: Net Zero CO2 Emissions Targets Mean Taxing Prosperity Out of Existence