Black Forest’s Bleak Future: German Wilderness Wiped Out to Make Way For 1,000 Wind Turbines

Apparently, turning wilderness into smouldering ash is all for the greater good, provided it’s to make way for 260m high/300 tonne industrial juggernauts, aka wind turbines.

Germany has speared over 30,000 of these things across its countryside. As land for doing so has become increasingly scarce, the strategy has been to clear-fell forests that were once considered out of bounds.

In the state of Baden-Württemberg there are plans afoot to construct 1,000 whirling wonders, many of which will end up in the Black Forest. Which means chainsaws, bulldozers and blazing torches.

Here’s No Tricks Zone with another burst of ‘green’ hypocrisy.

Climate Insanity: German Greens, Conservatives Push For 100s Of Wind Turbines In Black Forest!
No Tricks Zone
Pierra Gosselin
10 April 2021

From the Black Forest to the Blighted Forest…a turbine every 1400 meters…

The German state of Baden-Württemberg plans to build 1000 wind turbines – many of which would end up blighting the once idyllic Black Forest.

The German state of Baden-Württemberg recently held state elections and the winners, again The Greens, are in coalition talks with the conservatives (CDU).

Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt here reports how The Greens and CDU have since firmly agreed on the first big loser – the forests of Baden-Württemberg – as they agree to build 1000 new wind turbines in the state. Many of them will end up in the Black Forest.

Relaxing nature protection laws to clear the way
In November 2020, AGORA Energiewende, the think tank that advises the German government, called for the ban on killing protected species to be relaxed in the nature conservation law so that the spread of wind turbines in nature-sensitive areas can make better progress.

Imported electricity will be needed

But even 1000 wind turbines would not provide a secure power supply and the forthcoming elimination of nuclear power plants such as Philippsburg 2 (which accounts for 13% of the electricity supply) can only be compensated for by importing more electricity from abroad, including the world’s oldest nuclear power plant, the Beznau nuclear power plant, located in neighboring Switzerland. Strange how Baden-Württemberg demonizes nuclear power, but is happy to take electricity from old foreign nuclear power plants.

The dark green areas of the chart below designate where the 1000 turbines will be allowed. The Black Forest, lower left, offers the greatest potential area.

Chart source : ForstBW

According to Vahrenholt, 1000 turbines would mean having to space them “at a distance of 1.4 km from each other, with the corresponding access roads cutting through the forest.”

What communism failed to destroy in the 20th century, will be finished off by The Greens in the first half of this century.
No Tricks Zone

How the Scots do it (Wildcat Haven)

4 thoughts on “Black Forest’s Bleak Future: German Wilderness Wiped Out to Make Way For 1,000 Wind Turbines

  1. Australians – don’t go around blind and smug, it’s also happening here.
    For instance here are some details of just one proposal to clear – pine plantation forestry (don’t these trees also capture the dreaded CO2, and don’t we need timber to build houses etc) along the road from Nelson to Kentruck near Portland, Victoria, following the line of the Discovery Bay Coastal Park which contains areas declared RAMSAR protected.
    The project proposes 157 turbines producing 900MW’s with a 500MW lithium-ion battery. Also, of course there will be clearing for hardstands, road access routes (wide enough to deliver and install those huge towers and blades). In addition there will be a need for either clearing areas for erection of electrical transmission towers and cabling, or the burying of the cabling which will require the tearing up of land and felling of trees for trenches to take the cables.
    This no doubt is not the only area in Australia being decimated to make way for the glorification of profit and self-indulging madness under the guise of saving the world.
    There are projects now installed and proposed in Tasmania which will require the ‘death’ of that states much venerated environments.
    Also we should remember farm land is also a much sought after place for these monsters glorification to madness.
    No-where is safe from beady eyes, that glisten at the prospect of making a buck.
    Landowners, politicians and public servants who have the authority to prevent total destruction should be wary of ‘Wolves in sheep’s clothing’.

  2. Choice of words is important in the battle against these liars, they use ‘clean’ and ‘green’ to deceive people into picturing a rolling hills grassy meadow blanketed with glistening sun and dew drops on whisps of breeze when their version of ‘green’ is army and camoflage shades of terror and war blasting things to pieces.

    To emphasize the horror of what they do to nature and wildlife, the subtitle ‘Relaxing nature protection laws to clear the way’ should instead be written ‘Violently hacking and chainsawing nature protection laws and making them into nothing but sawdust which these fake clean energy groups will then sell for bio-fuel for massive profit while leaving the forest in ruins and no ability to recycle carbon dioxide’.

    When we examine many of those nature protection laws we see massive financial winfalls for those behind all of them, always, and it’s beginning to appear setting them aside as they have was their plan for their future manipulation of advocacy ‘for the greater good’, and how when it suits their desires they kick sand in Mother Nature’s face as they claim they are merely relaxing them as if laws feel stress. It’s pitch.

    Certainly they are profiting from the relaxation, I mean to say hacking of laws that when they were ‘stressed’ served these self serving entities well pulling the heart strings of tree huggers. Their concern is never really about fully about the forest, it’s always so they can use more energy to keep their spas bubbling along with the champain and caviar, private jets, trips, dinners in wineries with scum politicians that the good honest people are fed up with, mansions, more mansions, on and on. Show me the ones that live very limited consumption lives. I think they are extinct, there were some in the 1960’s hippie days. Not any more.

    I think there’s a deeper scam going on where they plan this out for 30 even 50 years in advance getting people to the breaking point or where they demand as we see with army green energy war on forests to win the war on carbon and other invisible allegedly harmful things that pretty much do not exist in any dangerous quantity ever.

    Oh and watch when these hustlers make the appearance as if they are humble and live meager lives showing up in rags as if they just came from the old rickety barn bailing hay doing good ‘ol fashioned hard work when they are rich and do no such thing. I saw this happen in Palm Springs. City had for decades wanted to tear down the mall that was a dead dinosaur right in the heart of it’s quaint little downtown. Weisman was the owner, he showed up at a community input meeting extravaganza with dessert and horse douvres trays and drinks a flowing where the public appeared en masse to add their thoughts of what should be put there in it’s place.

    It was a very well organized magnificent production. Many in the community hated Weisman as for 3 decades he refused to do anything for the greater good of the city on that, refusing to tear it down, making selfish demands, only interested in his gain. He made an appearance showing up in humble country fold attire, very quiet and reserved, moved slowly, not fast talker, like he was our friend. When I saw that it hit, this is his pitch. He’s a bazillionaire.

    He and his friends cleverly conned everyone into pushing his thing through by whopping 30 year long sales tax increase that would pay for it. Dumped the bill on the people. They ate it up as they were so so tired of looking at the thing all those years and well they saw nothing but visions of sugar plums and carrot cake dangling in front of them. The pitchers were in full force that night. He walked away with big wads. Years later some investigations, accustations, I’m not sure what happened, but it was never finished. It added trendy new hotel way too tall, blocking gorgeous mountain views to the west, and too modern in style shoppes on the lower street levels, narrow streets in between where you end up having to stop every 3 feet, and some open space. Big clash with the village character and they left the big ugly 3 or 4 story parking lot which is in the way of views.

    At least Marilyn Monroe showed up for the party for a while giving everyone a thrill as they could walk under her and look up her skirt but they still have an ugly art display in one of the open pits, search ‘palm springs downtown baby art’ reveals photos.

    Palms Springs is where the gross wind development all started with over 2000 turbines littering the desert mountain scape and massive skyscraper ones just installed towering on the hill over Desert Hot Springs Painted Hills. People think they just produce energy. ROFL.

    Surely all the players raking in all the tax revenue that paid for it finished their projects in their expensive estates. What exactly is it that humanity cannot fix this problem? Industrialists do this everywhere and army green energy is doing this with that lovely pristine forest. Why is there no protection that stays embedded forever? It should be very clear cut how to manage this and stop all this destruction and waste of energy.

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