Making Money From Power: How Virtue Signalling Corporations Profit From Unreliable Wind & Solar

Ignore the voluble pomposity and faux moral piety, the sole motivation driving the all wind & solar crowd is money. Lots and lots of other people’s money.

And forget about saving the planet, this is about making a group of cynical, conniving and audacious rent-seekers fabulously, indeed filthy, rich.

In what is the greatest, state-sanctioned wealth-transfer in human history, hundreds of $billions is being funnelled from the pockets of taxpayers and consumers into the coffers of wind and solar power outfits, around the globe.

Aiding and abetting those that profit handsomely from policies that are destroying business and industry, and punishing households, with spiralling power prices, are outfits like the Sierra Club, Greenpeace and GetUp! Operations that will do and say anything, provided what’s deposited in their Swiss bank accounts comes with a sufficient trail of consecutive zeros.

Mike Moore’s Planet of the Humans incensed renewable energy rent seekers, climate cultists and the mainstream media, alike. Central to its narrative is the fact that subsidised renewable energy was designed by and for the benefit of crony capitalists – a group of self-serving sanctimonious windbags, like Al Gore and his mate Bill McKibben.

In Australia, the very same forces at work, with so-called business groups pushing nonsensical CO2 emissions targets to be met 30 years hence. As Alan Moran details below, forget about the virtue, just follow the money.

Power companies must decide: are they about virtue signalling or cheap, reliable energy?
Spectator Australia
Alan Moran
30 June 2020

Yesterday, The Australian reported dissent within the Australian Energy Council (AEC), the industry association that represents electricity generators. Of its 24 members two, Delta and Infigen, have strongly opposed a formal AEC position that advocates the industry operating with zero CO2 emissions by 2050. This would entail the elimination of coal and gas, which presently comprise 80 per cent of electricity supply.

That position is one adopted by other industry associations like the Business Council of Australia (BCA) and the Australian Industry Group which, like the Minerals Council and the National Farmers Federation, long ago abandoned reform agendas and shifted their lobbying focus to virtue signalling and special deals for their members. The BCA even welcomed Anthony Albanese’s offer to have the government join it in accepting the ALP’s policy as “bipartisan”.

By plumping for fuel neutrality, the AEC secretariat has also faced reduced access to green dominated state government bodies, which provide energy subsidies costing almost $1 billion a year.

All major industry associations now promote abandoning electricity generation from coal as the key to reducing greenhouse gases. This is notwithstanding electricity comprises only 25 per cent of emissions and that alternative technologies – other than the similarly demonised nuclear – are at least three times the cost of fossil fuels.

The fact that the AEC as an industry association even exists is astonishing given the disparate interests of the firms.

Some of its members are basically renewable energy businesses –– both hydro and wind/solar — which have vested interests in measures that require more of the subsidies that have destroyed the competitiveness of the Australian industry. Others are owned by ALP State governments which have drunk the anti-CO2 Koolaid. Still, others are fundamentally retailers most of which have marketing themes based on renewable energy. The big three (AGL, Energy Australia and Origin) are integrated retailers and generators; their retail arms are keen to avoid any PR backlash from association with coal and their generation arms, having learned how to turn a profit from renewables, are somewhat indifferent between generator technologies.

That said, establishing a goal for 2050 is absurd. Any industry member punting on a position 30 years hence would be wise to reflect on how their predecessors in 1990 might have envisaged the industry in 2020. In 1990, the industry comprised state government-owned integrated generator, transmission, distribution and retail entities. There were no subsidised wind/solar renewables. Competition was non-existent but the industry was poised to become market-oriented and largely privatised and would, within 10 years, become the world’s lowest-cost electricity supplier. At that stage, it appeared that energy-intensive industry like aluminium smelting would continue to gravitate towards Australia.

In the space of 30 years, the electricity supply has moved from entrepreneurially shrugging off government control and achieving global leadership in costs, back to being once again focussed on government policies and favours. This has meant sacrificing the magnificent coal deposits that allow low-cost electricity for households and industry alike and substituting them for high-cost, low-reliability wind/solar. Manufacturing and processing costs have been undermined – aluminium smelters rather than becoming globally dominant are now hospitalised.

Many of those in leadership positions in businesses, government and industry associations, have taken an environmental unit in one of the higher education institutions long under green left control. As a result, they genuinely believe that in erasing coal from the electricity supply means not only saving the world but tapping an energy source that is or soon will be cheaper than fossil fuels.

The past thirty years has proved this to be wrong but, sadly, in green matters confirmation bias usurps logic and experience.
Spectator Australia


5 thoughts on “Making Money From Power: How Virtue Signalling Corporations Profit From Unreliable Wind & Solar

  1. How intriguing that the epicentre of the current coronavirus outbreak should occur in the inner city federal Green seat of Melbourne!


    Nobody tells them what to do, hence a BLM rally in the middle of a global pandemic!

    Sadly, this behaviour appears to have played a part in the return to lockdown restrictions in Victoria. In my opinion, Adam Bandt should also be taken to task for a lack of leadership to his community, in the lead up to this second spike. His electorate features prominently in the latest coronavirus outbreak. Could he have done more to convey the seriousness of the possibility of a second wave? Curiously, I could not help noticing that at least one of the tower blocks on the news appeared to have solar panels on the roof! Perhaps if more attention had been paid to providing PPE equipment to residents, and plentiful supplies of hand sanitiser, as well as a more rigorous cleaning regime of communal areas, instead of Climate virtue signalling. Then maybe the city of Melbourne would not be in the situation that it now finds itself. Hopefully, the regional areas can continue on the road to recovery. This should also assist in damage limitation to the State as a whole.

    But the risk is ever present.

    There were reports on ABC Local Radio about disturbing crowd scenes at the Daylesford markets where Melbourne day trippers swamped the town and observed little in the way of social distancing. Some sort of crowd control will have to be enforced in future. I understand that the decision was taken not to hold the markets for the time being. But now that Melbourne is in lockdown, who knows?

    After a discussion with my doctor at the beginning of this global pandemic, I personally choose to believe that COVID-19 is real, and is highly contagious. The whole point about this virus is that it is brand new. We still do not fully understand what we are dealing with here. What are the long term implications? Some media commentators appear to be playing down the risk from this virus. I think this is a mistake. We need to fully understand how to coexist with it. Clearly there are some glaringly obvious mistakes that we are making right now. We need to try harder. Life as we know it is currently defective. But equally, we should also take the advice of the late Douglas Adams, from the cover of his fictional electronic book, ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.’


  2. Reblogged this on ajmarciniak and commented:
    Ignore the voluble pomposity and faux moral piety, the sole motivation driving the all wind & solar crowd is money. Lots and lots of other people’s money.

    And forget about saving the planet, this is about making a group of cynical, conniving and audacious rent-seekers fabulously, indeed filthy, rich.

    In what is the greatest, state-sanctioned wealth-transfer in human history, hundreds of $billions is being funnelled from the pockets of taxpayers and consumers into the coffers of wind and solar power outfits, around the globe.

    Aiding and abetting those that profit handsomely from policies that are destroying business and industry, and punishing households, with spiralling power prices, are outfits like the Sierra Club, Greenpeace and GetUp! Operations that will do and say anything, provided what’s deposited in their Swiss bank accounts comes with a sufficient trail of consecutive zeros.

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