Wind Power Setting The World On Fire: Spontaneously Combusting Wind Turbine Sparks Washington Wildfire

Got a wind developer trying to get your community to sign up for wind turbines, ask them about the wildfires sparked when they self-combust.

Wind turbines are the perfect incendiary device. Around the world, hundreds have blown up in balls of flame – in the process – each one raining molten metal and over 1,000 litres of flaming gear oil and hydraulic fluid (see our post here) and burning plastic earthwards.

Wind turbine fires are ten times more common than the wind industry and its parasites claim (see our post here and check out this website:

The wind industry has been forced to concede that at least 4 bushfires were started by wind turbines in Australia, so far:

  • Ten Mile Lagoon in Western Australia in the mid-1990s;
  • Lake Bonney, Millicent (SA) in January 2006 (see the photo below);
  • Cathedral Rocks Wind Farm, Port Lincoln (SA) in February 2009 (see The Advertiser article below); and
  • Starfish Hill (SA) in November 2010 (see this link for more detail).

With more and even larger wind turbines being speared into Australia’s rural communities, catastrophic bushfires are inevitable.

Here’s a report on one from Washington State. Welcome to your wind powered future!

Wildfire in Southern Washington caused by wind turbine that caught fire
Oregon Live
Peter Talbot
21 July 2019

A wildfire in southern Washington that has burned more than 350 acres was caused by melting sections of a wind turbine that fell to the ground after the turbine’s generator caught fire, fire officials said.

Around 1:40 p.m. Saturday, smoke was reported to be coming from the generator of a wind turbine south of Bickleton, Washington in Klickitat County, according to a new release from Klickitat County Emergency Management.


Fire engulfed the turbine 300 feet above the ground, causing melted pieces to fall to the ground, igniting grass and brush, according to the release. Gusting winds helped spread the wildfire, called the Juniper Fire, to between 350 and 500 acres by Saturday evening. By 10 p.m. the fire was estimated to be about 20% contained.


Three residences were put on level three evacuation notification by the Klickitat County Sheriff’s Office. Firefighters were stationed at the residences overnight.

The Washington State Department of Natural Resources dispatched 25 fire units, two bulldozers and two fire engines to control the fire, according to the release. Washington state fire assistance has been authorized by the state fire marshal. Additional fire units were anticipated to arrive Sunday morning.
Oregon Live

Welcome to your wind powered future! Exciting, isn’t it!!

11 thoughts on “Wind Power Setting The World On Fire: Spontaneously Combusting Wind Turbine Sparks Washington Wildfire

  1. The corruption, deceptions, should be regarded not merely as mendacious but criminal for the damage to public trust and the body politic as a whole.
    The New Testament story of Christ in the Temple sweeping out usurists and the like foreshadows the Greenscam situation, but who is there now to follow that almighty example of good over evil?.

  2. There are some astonishing news stories coming out at the moment. These include Qantas CEO Alan Joyce pushing back against Climate Change, and Wind Farms being taken to task over the blackouts in SA.

    Whilst at the same time, the ABC appears to be starving these news stories of oxygen by adopting a ‘Yes Minister’ style distraction tactic to divert attention and report that the UN IPCC are now cracking down on food production.


    Thank goodness for SKY News.

  3. Reblogged this on ECO-ENERGY DATABASE and commented:
    UK Forestry Commission – please note. You are busy allowing the Nation’s forests to be leased to wind power developers when communities live within them. What price your undoubted responsibility when such an event happens within your plantations?

  4. Advisor to PM John Howard, Dr Ziggy Switkowski said there were “appealing features in the designs of these new [nuclear] reactors” but solar and wind power paired with battery storage was the cheapest form of power; this in 2006 – before the big SA battery – must have had a funny crystal ball. He now supports Energy Minister Angus Taylor’s review; seems like a done deal in outcome: Outdated NBN anyone?. A local QLD solar panel array producer and electric car builder, Greg McGarvie, also says nuclear is more expensive and dangerous than RE (both News Corp published).

    Weird is the ‘Chernobyl’ association to the new Russian floating nuclear plant and saying that it is a ‘first’ (Chernobyl was known to be an accident waiting to happen due to the defunct USSR design). USA’s MH-1A is touted as the first floating nuclear power station. Named Sturgis after General Samuel D. Sturgis, Jr., this pressurized water reactor built in a converted Liberty ship was part of a series of reactors in the US Army Nuclear Power Program, which aimed to develop small nuclear reactors to generate electrical and space-heating energy primarily at remote, relatively inaccessible sites. Apparently its designation stood for mobile, high power. First operated in 1967, MH-1A was towed to the Panama Canal Zone that it supplied with 10 MW of electricity from October 1968 to 1975. According to the spiel.

    Methinks a bit of propaganda going on here – usury needs an enemy, if it doesn’t exist it’s created. London’s Carl Marx did a lot towards it.

  5. Is there anything GOOD about wind turbines?
    Yes, to those in the money from them.
    Why do politicos not accept that?
    Could corruption, ignorance, group think ,vote seeking or inability to U turn, unless hopelessly pressed explain?

    1. Dear Broomhill – there is no great mystery about it all, it is just that the media won’t publicise the facts. It really is all about the money. Few decisions in politics are made by accident. If you want to understand why things happen in politics (or in most of the media), you simply have to keep asking yourself “cui bono” = “to whose benefit”, or put more colloquially, “follow the money trail”. That money trail will eventually lead you the “Renewables” investors – who, by the way, are heavily dominated by foreign corporations in Australia.
      The campaign funds of probably about half the elected political representatives of the major political parties in Australia are generously supported (at least in part) by the “Renewables” investor lobby. This is done quite legally, although often circuitously, by means of the election donation system. The “Renewables” investor lobby is cash-rich – those wind turbines are extremely lucrative. They generate a river of gold that siphons the meagre assets of the poor and the struggling middle class into the pockets of the rich by means of obscenely inflated electricity prices – all mandated by legislation. It is a unique business model.
      But maintaining a firm grip on the political dimension is crucially important to the “Renewables” investors. The campaign to remove Abbott from parliament in the May election by installing a Renewables-enthusiast “independent” was heavily supported by the Renewables industry – and also by some “progressive” elements of the NSW Liberal Party, according to a recent issue of Spectator Australia. Abbott had to be removed because his continued presence in the parliament represented an existential threat to the continuation of the flow of the river of gold. And the beauty of it all is that the politicians can nobly claim that they are doing it all for the best of intentions – to save the Earth from ‘climate change’ – even though Australia’s alleged contribution is so small that it won’t make a scrap of difference – apart, that is, from de-industrialising our economy and guaranteeing a future of widespread poverty for the next generation of Australians!

      1. Thanks, just as expected. Appalling, as here in UK. The whole green movement is corrupt.
        Hope your Angus Taylor can clean the Augean stables of the huge fraud.
        There seems to be no one politician here to achieve that task.
        The AGW scam is, short of wars, the most evil, greedy, misguided phenomenon of present times in the West and Antipodes.
        Note Pres. Trumps position on it, contrasted with the MSM..

      2. You have it in a nutshell “by means of the election donation system” it’s not just large corporations but small companies using donations to lower their taxable income, plus kickbacks from preferential voting. Were tax fair by getting rid of loopholes; tax havens, family trusts, negative gearing, etc., there would be no use for charities.

        Perhaps it’s about time to take political parties out of the ‘charity’ category so their supporters put their hands in their own pockets and not in taxpayer’s.

        English being an idiomatic language, it’s not user pays, it’s those being used who pay.
        Along with relabeling problems associated with the ending of the last ice age that started all the money grubbing subsidies over climate change.

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