Silent Killer: Why Wind Turbine Infrasound Causes Serious Health Problems for Wind Farm Neighbours

These things are a constant source of misery for way too many.


Evidence proving the unnecessary harm done to wind farm neighbours by wind turbine noise mounts by the day: Germany’s Max Planck Institute has identified sub-audible infrasound as the cause of stress, sleep disruption and more (see our post here); and a Swedish group have shown that it’s the pulsing nature of low-frequency wind turbine noise  (‘amplitude modulation’) that is responsible for sleep problems in those forced to live with it (see our post here).

STT recently reported on the German government’s efforts to erase data that shows residents are exposed to levels of wind turbine infrasound dangerous to health.

No doubt wary of the inevitable raft of litigation – that will cost it hundreds of €millions – and faced with mounting evidence of the obvious connection between exposure to low-frequency wind turbine noise and infrasound and health problems (such as sleep deprivation and cardiovascular disease), the German government has determined to simply destroy the evidence. Evidence of the kind that will be used against it by thousands of rural residents seeking compensation for their wholly unnecessary pain and suffering and the loss of the use and enjoyment of their homes.

Meanwhile, diligent scientific researchers are determined to gather and present it. One of the world’s leading researchers on the effects of infrasound on human health is Dr Mariana Alves Pereira. Here she is explaining the science of the noise you can’t hear, but which can very much hurt you.

Occupational Health Expert Exposes The Serious Hazards Of Infrasound From Wind Turbines
No Tricks Zone
Pierre Gosselin
7 November 2018

Earlier this year in Ljubljana, Slovenia, acoustics and health expert Dr. Mariana Alves Pereira explained the impacts low-frequency infrasound can have on health. It’s far from pretty.

Infrasound is very low frequency (<20 Hz) and is below the threshold of human hearing. It is sensed by the human ear only as pressure waves.

Dr. Alves Pereira has a Masters in Biomedical Engineering and a PhD in Environmental Sciences.


“It’s a problem to human health”
In her presentation, she explains to the audience that because infrasound is of very low frequency, the wavelengths are very long and thus can easily penetrate thick barriers and into buildings. “This is why it’s a problem to human health.” The waves travel kilometers and are difficult to shield against.

Governments rely on inadequate measurements
The acoustic expert also describes why the dBA scale is inadequate for measuring infrasound and thus are irrelevant for their evaluation.

At the 12:30 mark she uses the example of a mink farm in Denmark located near a wind park and so is thus subjected to “acoustic pollution” from the wind turbines. Here she demonstrates how woefully inadequate the methods and measurements often used by permitting authorities for assessing acoustic pollution really are.

Neurological and cardiovascular damage 
Later she illustrates how damaging infrasound can be to human health. For example aviation workers have a risk of epilepsy (a neurological problem) that is some 50 times higher than average (22:00) for the occupation and how workers had tumors, and cardiovascular disease from abnormal tissue growth caused by infrasound exposure.

At 33:09 mark, Dr. Alves Pereira presents the clinical stages of vibroacoustic disease for occupational exposures. Workers exposed to infrasound more than 10 years developed severe health damage, e.g. psychiatric disturbances, severe joint and muscle pain, blood in the urine or decreased vision, among others.

Horses near wind turbines developed “boxy foot”

At the 43:00 mark, Dr. Alves Pereira explains how at first they were skeptical of claims made by patients that infrasound had made them sick while at home. In 2000 her team began to look at the claims and found that non-occupational residents who were subjected long-term to infrasound indeed got sick.

At the 48:08 mark, Dr. Alves Pereira turns her attention to wind turbines.

In one example, in Portugal 4 wind turbines were installed within 800 meters of a home and began operation in November, 2006. Five months later in March 2007 the family members in the home were suffering serious health issues and the boy’s performance at school crashed. His energy had been sapped. The horses the family owned developed “boxy foot”.

Moreover, the previously mentioned mink farm in Denamrk suddenly saw hundreds of aborted fetuses (53:30), all caused by infrasound from the nearby wind turbines, experts suspect.

Post-traumatic stress syndrome
At the 56:00 mark, Dr. Alves Pereira shows a home in Germany surrounded on two sides by wind turbines located less than 2000 meters away. When the family moved into the home, there had been only two turbines, but then came dozens of new turbines. The family was forced to convert into a bunker in a desparate attempt to shield themselves.

In Ireland a 9-year old child developed epilepsy and the 19-year old brother wound up with post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) – as did the worker at the mink farm in Denmark. The house in Ireland had to be abandoned.

Dr. Alves Pereira sums up: “I know it’s kind of depressing, but these are the scientific facts what we have over 30 years of research.”
No Tricks Zone

6 thoughts on “Silent Killer: Why Wind Turbine Infrasound Causes Serious Health Problems for Wind Farm Neighbours

  1. Reblogged this on ajmarciniak and commented:
    Evidence proving the unnecessary harm done to wind farm neighbours by wind turbine noise mounts by the day: Germany’s Max Planck Institute has identified sub-audible infrasound as the cause of stress, sleep disruption and more (see our post here); and a Swedish group have shown that it’s the pulsing nature of low-frequency wind turbine noise (‘amplitude modulation’) that is responsible for sleep problems in those forced to live with it (see our post here).

    STT recently reported on the German government’s efforts to erase data that shows residents are exposed to levels of wind turbine infrasound dangerous to health.

    No doubt wary of the inevitable raft of litigation – that will cost it hundreds of €millions – and faced with mounting evidence of the obvious connection between exposure to low-frequency wind turbine noise and infrasound and health problems (such as sleep deprivation and cardiovascular disease), the German government has determined to simply destroy the evidence. Evidence of the kind that will be used against it by thousands of rural residents seeking compensation for their wholly unnecessary pain and suffering and the loss of the use and enjoyment of their homes.

    Meanwhile, diligent scientific researchers are determined to gather and present it. One of the world’s leading researchers on the effects of infrasound on human health is Dr Mariana Alves Pereira. Here she is explaining the science of the noise you can’t hear, but which can very much hurt you.

    1. Dr. Mariana Alves-Pereira has stated publicly that knowing what she knows about the harm from turbines, she would not live within 20 km from wind turbines and yet in rural Ontario we have homes surrounded by them. We have otherwise idyllic neighbourhoods surrounded. In many cases arrays/clusters of turbines are less than a kilometre or two from peoples’ homes.
      Who made these siting decisions and why were they made? Were these decisions made in order to promote a forced relocation agenda. Were our paid and elected ‘leaders’ complicit?
      Who in their right mind would quietly acquiesce to having their home surrounded with turbines knowing the findings of Dr. Mariana Alves-Pereira?
      Denial of harm does not prevent the harm to one’s nervous system and cardiovascular system from occurring over time.
      How many people are still unaware of the harm that is occurring because they’re attributing the symptoms they’re experiencing to other causes because their doctors are refusing to come forward.
      These people did not consent to being harmed in their own homes and in their beds. This is a human rights violation that must be stopped now.

  2. Have any laboratory experiments taken place on animals relating to this?
    It seems if this is a valid problem that the effects on wildlife would be considerable.

    At the other end of the scale I put a high frequency unit into my loft to deter rats. It has been very effective.

  3. Hello from Ontario Canada. Here is my public letter to the Ontario government.

    Sunday 28 October 2018

    Christine Elliott, Minister of Health and Long Term Care
    CC: Doug Ford, Premier, Greg Rickford, Minister of Energy

    Dear Christine Elliot,

    NOTE: Please confirm Receipt of this letter.

    On October 7, 2018 I received an alarming letter from a citizen in rural Ontario. The title was: “Cardiac instability caused by infrasound radiation from industrial wind turbines”.
    This letter was sent to Ontario government people, including yourself, with no response. I include an excerpt of the letter below with permission of the author.

    I am writing to request an urgent meeting with you, Premier Ford, and Energy Minister Rickford to discuss known and documented health harm from Industrial Wind Turbines.

    My background, research and correspondence on Wind Turbines is documented on my web page,

    I have also posted documents, including the Oct 7th 2018 citizen letter, in the Comments section of the following articles.
    Health Canada and Wind Turbines: Too little too late?
    Carmen Krogh and R Y McMurtry
    CMAJ. November 28, 2014. 34 Comments.
    Most recent comment: October 19, 2018

    Ontario Wasted More Than $1 Billion Worth of Clean Energy in 2016
    June 29, 2017 Advocacy, Featured 70 Comments
    Most recent comment: October 19, 2018

    Richard Mann
    University of Waterloo

    Encl: Excerpt from letter of October 7, 2018

    Subject: cardiac instability caused by infrasound radiation from industrial wind turbines
    Date: October 7, 2018 at 1:38:43 PM EDT


    In the past two weeks, four people in Ontario have offered to provide their medical investigation records which rule out typical causative factors for traumatic cardiac instability episodes which they have been experiencing in their homes.

    All four of these peoples’ homes have been surrounded by industrial wind turbines and in two of these cases, substations have been sited too close to their homes.

    This situation is an emergency as well as a provable human rights violation.

    It confirms the cumulative harm that Dr. Mariana Alves -Pereira has been studying for decades. She has recently presented her work in Slovenia to a group of professionals.

    In this presentation and also in her most recent interview in Finland, she speaks about LFN and infrasound radiation and the damage to the nervous system as well as the heart. In the interview in Finland she states that, knowing what she knows, she would not live within 20 km of a wind turbine.

    Can you imagine how rural residents in Ontario who did not consent to having their homes surrounded by wind turbines feel as their pleas for protection have not resulted in effective measures being taken by their government?

    The four people who are willing to have their relevant health investigations used, to show that they are now experiencing the cumulative harm from infrasound radiation, are all people who experienced harm and tried to report it to the Liberal government agents within the MOECC and the MOH. No timely or effective protection was achieved under their leadership and now these peoples’ lives are in peril because the turbines that are too close to their homes are still running as I type this letter.

    These are four people who have confided in me and are now willing to let you see their medical evidence. How many others are there in rural Ontario who are experiencing harm at various stages of the neurological and cardiac damage that Dr. Mariana Alves-Pereira says is irreversible. How many people, because of the lack of properly delivered information, still have not connected the dots between their symptoms and the turbines near their homes?

    With lives of innocent people being threatened in this way and cumulative harm occurring for all who live within 20 km of turbines- harm which cannot be reversed- your government must make this horrible reality a very high priority.

    The turbines that are close to or surrounding peoples’ homes need to be turned off now.

    With respect and gratitude for your willingness to make tough ethical decisions on behalf of the people of Ontario.


    1. Don’t give up fighting against these monstrosities. Canadians are much too complacent when it comes to things getting shoved down their throats. I keep sharing facts and figures and articles like these and it’s like they are in lala land. But, but, we are saving the planet!
      No, no we are not. There is no such thing as Green Energy. We will do the same thing we are doing now. Stripping land and forests, mining rare minerals. Both very carbon intensive. And where will all these parts and components go when their life is used up?
      The costs to heat our homes, and cook will be astronomical. It is already rising. I see more and more people using wood again. How is that saving the planet?
      Foresight. Government and politicians have none. We need oil and gas, and coal, to build all these towering, ugly beasts. A balance can be had, but nope. Let’s just shut everything down and go green.
      Canada is a scapegoat right now. The Liberals don’t care that people will have to choose between heating their homes and food on the table. It’s already happening. Especially in Ontario. Their ideologies will only bring chaos and death.

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