Wind Farm Victim’s Smoking Gun: German Research Reveals Infrasound Exposure Causes Stress, Sleep Disruption & More

There are certain common themes that run the world over: neighbours forced to live with incessant wind turbine generated low-frequency noise and infrasound suffer; and the wind industry denies all responsibility, for anything, whether caused in this world or the next.

However, plausible denial on the part of the wind industry is about to become an even scarcer commodity.

No doubt driven by the thousands of Germans suffering from exposure to wind turbine noise emissions, a top-flight team from the Max Planck Institute has been studying the effects of infrasound on human beings for some time now, although those being studied are willing guinea pigs, not like those unfortunates in rural communities where these things have been speared.

Their latest paper was the result of sophisticated research of the kind that the wind industry has sought to prevent for more than 20 years.

We’ll hand over to NoTricksZone for a rundown on what will prove to be the wind industry’s undoing.

New German Paper On Infrasound Shows Adverse Impacts On Brain Activity!
No Tricks Zone
Pierre Gosselin
26 April 2017

German wind energy protest site here presents a brand new paper showing that infrasound-induced changes in brain activity are visible and proven.

The findings thus suggest that the health impacts by the low-frequency sound waves generated by industrial wind turbines in fact do adversely affect human health, a claim that has often been denied by Big Wind.

Some lobbyists and proponents even went on to say that it was all in people’s heads. Well it turns out that this is true, but it’s real!

The groundbreaking paper by Markus Weichenberger and scientists at the Charité (Berlin), the PTB (Braunschweig) and the UKE (Hamburg) is comprehensive and was published on April 12, 2017.

The study used advanced brain imaging to compare activity for infrasound near the hearing threshold.

Results of whole-brain contrast regional homogeneity (ReHo) maps acquired during near-threshold vs. no-tone condition.


The paper’s conclusion is not what the wind industry and green energy proponents want to hear:

Finally, our results also allow us to draw some preliminary conclusions on potential long-term health effects associated with (sub-)liminal IS stimulation. It has been reported in several studies that sustained exposure to noise can lead to an increase of catecholamine- and cortisol levels. In addition, changes of bodily functions, such as blood pressure, respiration rate, EEG patterns and heart rate have also been documented in the context of exposure to below- and near-threshold IS. We therefore suggest that several of the above mentioned autonomic reactions could in fact be mediated by the activation of brain areas such as the ACC and the amygdala. While increased local connectivity in ACC and rAmyg may only reflect an initial bodily stress response towards (sub-)liminal IS, we speculate that stimulation over longer periods of time could exert a profound effect on autonomic functions and may eventually lead to the formation of symptoms such as sleep disturbances, panic attacks or depression, especially when additional risk factors, such as an increased sensibility towards noise, or strong expectations about the harmfulness of IS are present. Also, while in this discussion, we put a strong emphasis on the physiological implications of prolonged IS exposure, it would also be interesting to see, whether our rsfMRI paradigm could be used to relate IS-induced changes of global-brain states and changes in the experiental domain.

To our knowledge, this study is the first to document changes of brain activity across several regions in response to prolonged near-threshold IS using fMRI*. ReHo analysis revealed higher local connectivity of rSTG, ACC and the rAmyg only when IS was administered near the hearing threshold and ICA showed that effects can also be found on the inter-regional level. On the one hand, these results seem to support the hypothesis that (sub-)liminal IS can exert an influence on the organism via a subconscious processing route (which supposedly involves outer hair cell-mediated signal transduction). On the other hand, though clearly audible, prolonged stimulation with IS above the hearing threshold did not lead to changes of brain activity, which could indicate that the signal processed along the conscious hearing route may have been attenuated in a top-down fashion via attentional mechanisms.

Also, since the brain’s response to prolonged near-threshold IS involves the activation of brains areas, which are known to play a crucial role in emotional and autonomic control, a potential link between IS-induced changes of brain activity and the emergence of various physiological as well as psychological health effects can be established. Transient upregulation of these brain areas in response to below- or near threshold IS may thus reflect an initial stress response of the body, eventually promoting symptom formation as stimulation occurs repeatedly and additional risk factors come into play. Nevertheless, further research, in particular longitudinal exposure research, is needed in order substantialize these findings and contribute to a better understand of IS-related health effects.

Expect the pressure to mount to make wind park setback distances from residential areas greater.
No Tricks Zone

It must be a German thing, but the use of the term “wind park” by NoTricksZone does tend to grate, conjuring up images of children flying kites and whirling on merry-go-rounds. True, we use the term “wind farm” to describe an aggregation of these things, when industrial wind power facility would be closer to the mark. However, as that term has become ubiquitous we use it simply because, as a term of art, it attracts attention – in a world dominated by Google searches – and that’s what STT has been trying to do in exposing the greatest environmental and economic fraud of all time.

Now to the infrasound study, in a nutshell. The article is available here:

As a near statistical certainty, most humans are equipped with a brain; and some have been known to burn calories by tending to use them.

That lump of grey matter, when exposed to some external stimulus will inevitably respond to it, in some way, shape or form.

Sound (referred to as “noise” when it is unwanted) is just such an external stimuli.

Smoke alarms, crying babies, thunderstorms and the thumping, rumbling noise from wind turbines all fall within that category: the release of energy causing variations in air pressure, which can be heard by the human ear.

Where music or a laughing baby gives rise to a sense of pleasure, irritating noises, such as fingernails dragging across a blackboard give rise to a sense of annoyance.

What the researchers from the Max Planck Institute have tapped into is at another level, again: the primitive, instinctive brain.

In essence, the research group found that infrasound was working on what they referred to as the “non-classical pathway (frequently called the ‘low route’) [which] allows for direct subcortical processing of the stimulus in the amygdala, without the involvement of cortical areas.”

The amygdala are two almond-shaped groups of nuclei located deep and medially within the temporal lobes of the brain, shown in research to perform a primary role in the processing of memory, decision-making, and emotional reactions, the amygdalae are considered part of the limbic system. Those emotional reactions include fear responses, which is precisely what this research group found occurring at a neuro-physiological level, as a consequence of exposure to infrasound.

Being woken up by very low-frequency noise, without being aware of that noise, makes perfect biological sense for any animal seeking to survive in a world full of natural threats – think elephants stampeding through a forest, thunderstorms and earthquakes – all part of the human animals evolutionary development.

What the study taps into is our hard-wired response to potential threats in our environment. Sure, stampeding elephants are less of a problem for humans than they were at the dawn of time, but the removal of such threats hasn’t resulted in the removal of our most critical early warning safety mechanism. Waking up with a start as thunderstorms approach in the far distance is just one exhibition of that ancient part of the brain, referred to in this and other studies as the ‘low route’.

The reports from those living with wind turbine noise emissions mirror precisely what is recorded in the study, the data from which perfectly corroborates their experiences of waking with their hearts racing, horrible dreams, waking as if ‘startled’, notwithstanding that the noise from operating turbines can’t be heard.

That there is a “non-classical pathway” by which infrasound (which by definition is inaudible, very low-frequency noise) stimulates a neurological response is no surprise: modern humans and their ancestors and cousins who have remained in the jungle have used it to survive for several million years.

Now, those being tormented by wind turbine noise emissions (which includes infrasound present inside bedrooms at night-time) and those running with the wind industry who have ridiculed and denigrated them as tin-foil-hatted lunatics have a smoking gun, allowing them to target the villains that have sought for so long to deny their perfectly explicable (and wholly unnecessary) daily suffering.

Now, let the reckoning begin.

12 thoughts on “Wind Farm Victim’s Smoking Gun: German Research Reveals Infrasound Exposure Causes Stress, Sleep Disruption & More

  1. I think that wind farms will destroy every living thing in the world if there is not a stop put to this world wide scam. On East Coast of the UNITED STATES OVER A HUNDRED DIFFERENT SEA MAMMALS HAVE ALREADY DRIFTED UPON BEACHES and others have been seen drifting out in the ocean. Around 50 or more different kinds of WHALES, several DOLPHINS, SHARKS, SEALS, several DOGFISH, ONE HAMMER HEAD SHARK FOUND WITH 40 dead baby’s inside of her. And there were other sharks that was found on the beaches on east coast of the USA. SOME OTHER SPECIES HAVE BEEN FOUND such as turtles. COMPARED TO OTHER YEARS, FISHERMAN ARE CATCHING ALOT LESS FISH THIS YEAR. WIND FARMS ARE ONLY SOMEWHAT NEW IN THAT AREA. THE WIND FARMS ARE BEING PUT RIGHT IN THE MIGRATING ROUTES OF THE SEA MAMMALS Which SWIM NORTH AND SOUTH. IF THE KEEP DYING THE WAY THEY ARE NOW, THEY WILL ALL BE EXTINCT. THE PUBLIC HAS BEEN PROTESTING AGAINST GOVERNMENT TO PUT A MORATORIUM ON THE WIND FARMS BUT THEY HAVE NO PITY ON ANY SEA CREATURES OR ANYTHING ELSE THAT DON’t fill their bank accounts with money.

  2. Reblogged this on Climatism and commented:
    Sadly, empirical and “scientific” evidence pertaining to the horrific infrasound consequences wrought to humans via industrial wind farms will not sway the groupthink and brainwashed climate change obsessor.

    Mark Twain explains why: ‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.’

    1. Now is not the time for pessimism. Too many people have worked too hard to get us this close to the turning point.

  3. Need to make sure the nhmrc receive a copy of this report so they can no longer say they have no evidence of adverse effects from living near individual wind turbines. .well here ,, now you do,.

  4. Sleep deprivation and panicked states is accompanied with piercing PAIN in the head, ears and body which we suffering neighbours and our advocates have been futilely reporting to authorities for a long time. This German Study should sound alarms bells and alert Health Departments, Medical Associations, GP’s, Governments, wind energy producers, supporters and investors to the harm being experienced year in and year out within our homes and on our farms. Alerted to cease refusing to acknowledge the link between broadband, LFN, infrasound and pulsing emissions being emitted from wind turbines and other industrial and unnatural sources which directly harm our health and well-being. To then act to protect rural health and safety by following the advice of the Senate Inquiries into wind farms, the Waubra Foundation, Acousticians and health experts from around the world. To listen to those of us abandoning our homes trying to restore reasonable good health. Implement authentic health and noise studies required in our homes and stop deliberately fostering ignorance and wilful blindness by building more and more powerful turbines near people.

    1. Here here Melissa. It’s going to be interesting when this industry and those who have openly supported and promoted it are sitting facing a court. They have continued installing these things, they have continued to lie to people across the world about the adverse effects, even when people have questioned them on what they have heard, these creeps have continued to lie. The industry has known of the dangers from its inception.
      There are MP’s who have openly supported it and denigrated those who have called for caution and who have reported adverse effects.
      There are academics who have supported it and who have condemned those who report their adverse health effects as suffering from some symptom they have assigned to the sufferers.
      There are many people who are complicit in the harm being done to many people around the world and each one of them should be hanging their heads in shame and writing and publishing letters of apology to all those they have denigrated.
      This action will not stop the pain people suffer but it will put a break on the industry’s ability to continue to install these instruments of torture. Without support, without Government subsidies and without approvals this industry cannot continue. Once they are stopped they will then need to look at which turbines need to be removed to prevent further harm.
      But first it needs those industry supporters to do a U turn and accept they were wrong – hard for many but well worth it if they want to be seen as ‘human’ and therefore fallible.

    1. Hello, again, Andreas. To attribute ALL symptoms to unwanted noise is to miss an important cause of health breakdown in humans and other animals. Noise is acoustic, and the sonic vibrations are slower than the speed of light electromagnetic fields that are delivered into the ground or surrounding waters, if the turbines are at sea, that demonstrably SENSITIZE people and animals, causing many of the SAME symptoms that have been found as Wind Turbine Syndrome. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EMH) impacts on people living a mile or more from wind power arrays. Whether the characteristic of the electromagnetic field is that of a torus or that of a stream, this begs the question. I believe, conservatively, that the MINIMUM SAFE DISTANCE to live and/or work away from the big wind turbines should be at least TEN MILES. At TEN MILES the wind power industry will be KAPUT. No measly setback, measured in tower heights or a few feet can ever address this fact.

      1. It’s not just electromagnetic radiation – most sensitive people react worse to high frequency radiation like mobile phones,wireless and smart meters. I’ve electrical hypersensitivity and when I go near a wind farm for a short while I get a splitting headache and it makes existing symptoms of myalgic encephalomyelitis worse. I would hate to find out how much having a wind farm nearby would impact on my health.

        Click to access havas2011.pdf

        Click to access Selected%20ES%20and%20EHS%20studies%20-%20Oct.2016.pdf

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