Germany’s Anti-Wind Power FDP Free Democrats Crush Greens in North Rhine Westphalia

Germans are a relatively cool tempered bunch, keen for consensus and to avoid serious civil confrontation.

Which goes some way to explain why Germany was overrun by these things; with thousands of them speared all across their farms and forests. However, Germans quite obviously have their limits of tolerance.

During the winter just gone, with a total collapse in wind and solar poweroutput, Germany had to scramble to keep its lights on using coal-fired power plants, resurrected to deal with a grid on the brink of collapse and nuclear power imported from France.

Rocketing power prices have also taken their toll on the German sense of humour.

But, as with every community forced to live with these things, Germans are just as hostile: constant exposure to turbine generated low-frequency noise and infrasound is enough to rattle the resolve of even the most stoic.

And now that the victims realise that the whole thing is an enormous fraud, the political tide is turning.

No longer do vanity signalling Greens hold sway. Now, it’s the Free Democrats who are attracting not just attention, but votes, simply because they are ready to call wind power for what it is.

The Greens have lost their grip on the game; and their renewable rent-seeking benefactors aren’t happy about it.

“The De Facto End Of Wind Turbine Forests”. New Policy In Germany Sends Powerful Signals!
No Tricks Zone
Pierre Gosselin
28 June 2017

Germany’s wind energy industry is suddenly facing fierce headwinds, and wind energy opponents are cheering wildly!

Yesterday Germany’s most populated state, North Rhine Westphalia, voted in a new government. The old government consisting of a coalition between the SPD Socialists and the Green Party were booted out in recent state elections, and since yesterday have been replaced by a new coalition of the CDU “conservatives” and the more free-market-friendly FDP Free Democrats.

Last evening the German ZDF news reported here that FDP party chief Christian Lindner has announced much tougher regulations for wind parks in the state. This sends a strong signal to the wind industry nationally, and now they are worried.

Christian Linder of the German FDP Free Democrats


At the 11:00 mark news anchorman Claus Kleber tells viewers that there is no other issue where the differences between the old and new government in North Rhine Westphalia could be greater than energy policy. According to Kleber:

“The result is the de facto end of the further installation of wind park forests.”

The junior coalition partner Free Democrats have managed to convince the larger ruling CDU to accept far more stringent rules for permitting wind parks, namely a minimum setback distance of 1500 meters from any residential home.

The new rules mean the end for many planned projects. It’s a “battle-cry on wind projects”, Kleber notes. Lindner has had it with the “politics of subsidies”.

At the 12:20 mark Lindner is seen stating that the out-of control installation of wind energy has “not been ecological” and instead it is “ideological” and “clearly has served the business interests of a single sector“.

No chance to reach climate targets

Naturally the wind industry reacted to Lindner’s plans with concern. Jan Dobertin of the Renewable Energy Association [14:34] said the new rules mean there would be no chance for the state to reach its climate target. Ironically, while Germans continue to attack Trump for backing out of the Paris Accord, they too are in fact backing out – and doing so with real action.

Currently there are over 27,000 turbines installed throughout Germany, 3345 in North Rhine Westphalia, the ZDF segment shows. During the state election campaign Lindner made landscape blight by turbines a major issue, and this helped propel his Free Democrat Party to a record high result on election day.

Fears wind energy rejection will go national

The ZDF and the wind industry now fear Lindner’s campaign will spread across Germany as the September national election approaches. Wind energy lobbyist Dobertin ranted at the ZDF [13:29]:

We are simply afraid that the installation of wind energy, which over the past years across the country, and also here in North Rhine Westphalia, which has developed very well, will be choked off — and naturally jobs, nationwide 120,000 workers in the sector, which now are massively at risk, and that we are backing off from the transition to renewable energies and climate protection.”

The ZDF concludes the segment by stating that planned projects in the state now face powerful head winds. Chilly winds are indeed now blowing for the German wind industry. Planners have now been warned.
No Tricks Zone

6 thoughts on “Germany’s Anti-Wind Power FDP Free Democrats Crush Greens in North Rhine Westphalia

  1. Hi,

    Here’s the link to the Petition on the Federal Government website for Australia to Withdraw from The Paris Climate Agreement.

    Please Sign it by clicking on the link below and please also share it with everyone you know.

    There are only 2259 signatures to date, so it needs to move FAST !

    ONLY 2 DAYS left to sign Petition – Closes on 19/7/17.



  2. Neighbour just been on farm tour to Europe. Krone factory main topic of conversation was the cost of renewables power.

  3. The ‘push back’ against the wind energy con trick is well and truly on – all over the world. The truth will prevail.

  4. Australia may well sink under the weight of all this renewable crap before it’s ever “saved” by turbines and a climate target. Political common sense is being shown in Germany but, 1500 meters distance from homes WON’T be enough distance for some people.

    Double glazed windows, floating floors or sparse trees and shrubs or other measures used to mitigate noise sources make no difference to the toxic acoustic environments occurring inside homes near wind turbines. For new ‘receptors’ and sensitised people, turbine, compressor, and other sound, vibration and sensation nuisance can be, and are a health nightmare. Dragged on for years, whilst our Government refuses to meaningfully act to protect the health of we sufferers near wind farms and fails to protect the general population from increased economic hardship.

    Wind farm owner/operators have little, if any compassion for hardship, even less understanding of mateship and community. There can be no justification for their abuse on neighbours, the deliberate telling of all manner of untruths over the years, the lack of decent responsibility and remedial action for their dysfunctional, not even half working energy plants and company practices.

    Pederson & Waye (2004) found 6% of the population is highly annoyed when wind turbine noise reached 35dBA and at 37dBA there are widespread complaints of noise. At 45dBA people wanted the noise to stop. Wind farm owners are known to sideline and denigrate neighbours with complaints of health impacts or wanting the noise, vibrations and sensations to just stop. Wind farm compliancy or small percentage of impacted is questionable as a justification.

    dBA is an outdated and irrelevant method of measuring or predicting likely impacts on neighbours. It is essential and common-sense that researchers get out of the lab and onto the wind farm coal face and inside our homes, listening to the real ‘experts’, on the impacts to assist in determining what can resolve the impacts. Supporting world leaders in Acoustic and Health research into these impacts co-operatively benefits all putting people before profits.

  5. Reblogged this on UPPER SONACHAN WIND FARM and commented:
    As always, that the Greens globally haven’t twigged that the wind industry and others have high-jacked the perfectly laudable wish of people to clean up TOXINS in our atmosphere (of which CO2 is not one) leaves the otherwise supportable wishes that they have at serious risk. We do need to put polluters in industry on notice of closure when their activities consistently pollute air or water (i.e. rivers, reservoirs and seas). Threats are not enough – examples must be made of those who do it. Politicians and governments have yet to appreciate that science is increasingly producing evidence on harmful effects attached to the technology of wind power. Time to force the issues into the open – amongst which must be the fact that the claims made for wind power’s emissions savings and benefits have never been proven.

    1. And we must ensure that Health destroying noise is also on the list of things that need to be removed from our environment. This source of harm is one which has managed to run under the radar of most environmental organizations, but it is one which needs to be dealt with.
      Funny really because back in the days of yore when the industrial revolution had taken a hold noise and the vibration of machinery were reasons manufacturing industries were considered harmful. Also funny how Unions have ignored how this same harm to their workers is being propagated outside of their workplace with impunity, because the Unions partners the Labor Party and other Socialists in and out of Government do not want to see the harm being done to the people forced to live with this harmful force. Their ideology is more important than the people they serve, much like the ideology of the Industrial Revolutions factory owners and their friendly politicians.

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