Angry Neighbours Shoot-Up Wind Turbines; as Hosts Hit With $Millions in Developers’ Debts

shot turbine2
Turbine plugged by angry neighbour in Montana


On the back foot around the globe, the wind industry, its parasites and spruikers keep trying to convince the chattering classes that country people just can’t wait to snuggle up next to a cuddly bunch of Vestas V112s (see our post here).

The pitch is that life for rural communities just isn’t complete without a fleet of blade-chucking, pyrotechnic, sonic-torture devices. And that country folks’ currently miserable, downtrodden lives can only improve with the addition of a few hundred whirling, bat-chomping, bird slicing wonders.

The problem is, as with most wind industry bunkum, the facts soon separate from the myth. Notwithstanding their spin-masters’ wild claims about everybody simply “loving wind turbines to bits”, the truth is that there are plenty of wind farm victims who are keen to see them end up in bits; lots of little bits.

Just how keen was shown by two stories, from earlier this year, about turbines being shot-up in Montana, USA; and at Waubra in Victoria, covered here:

Angry Wind Farm Victims Pull the Trigger: Turbines Shot-Up in Montana and Victoria

Now, here’s another tale of community fury being actioned in Colorado.

El Paso County wind farm vandalized, Sheriff’s Office says
The Gazette
Debbie Kelley
29 October 2015

turbine shot
Turbine becomes target of anger and frustration in Colorado.


A controversial wind farm project in Calhan was vandalized sometime between Sept. 20 and Oct. 23, according to the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office.

A single high-powered round was fired into a turbine at the Golden West Wind Energy Center near North Yoder Road and Heaston Road, authorities said.

The damage is estimated between $20,000 and $250,000.

In a news release Thursday, the Sheriff’s Office noted that the center “has been at the center of controversy with some citizens who were opposed to the project.”

The turbine is part of a wind farm under construction by NextEra Energy Resources, which is erecting 145 turbines and 300 transmission structures on the eastern plains of the county.

Neighbors filed a lawsuit this year to try to stop the project, but it was dismissed in September after the group, El Paso County Property Right Coalition, reached an agreement with the county.

The El Paso County Commission approved the project in 2013, with an underground power line.

But in February, commissioners agreed to an amended plan that includes a 29-mile above-ground power line with poles strewn across a patchwork of private properties.

That decision, in particular, rankled many county residents, who were angry that their mountain views would be obscured.

Others raised concerns over the potential negative health impacts of living next to the lines. But more than 160 residents leased NextEra some of their land, and many longtime ranchers in the area hailed the project as a much-needed economic boost.
The Gazette

Good to see the local rag giving NextTerror the final word there. But not sure that its turbine hosts are really that enamoured with having these things speared all over their properties:

Turbine Hosts’ Lament: Hammered by Wind Power Outfits; Hated by Former Friends, Relatives & Neighbours

Those that are honest about it tell a very different story: …

SA Farmers Paid $1 Million to Host 19 Turbines Tell Senate they “Would Never Do it Again” due to “Unbearable” Sleep-Destroying Noise

… from those hosts with the moral fibre of Judas Iscariot, like Victorian turbine hosts, Hamish and Anna Officer – who pocketed the loot, built their dream home 30km away and left their long-suffering neighbours for dead:

Macarthur Turbine Hosts Destroy Community & Bolt as Hammering the Wind Industry becomes the “New Black”

Smug and selfish some of them might be, but it turns out that they’re nowhere near as smart as they think they are.

In Ontario, dozens of turbine hosts have just discovered – much to their horror – that wind farm construction outfits have secretly slapped Liens over their properties; in order to secure tens of millions of dollars owed to them by wind farm developers.

The developers (apparently unwilling or unable to part with the cash to pay for construction) owe more than $30 million to construction firms in Huron County, alone.

Those construction firms – in order to ensure recovery of these massive and mounting debts – are placing Liens (under the Construction Lien Act) over the turbine hosts’ land.

The Lien gives the party registering it an entitlement to have a court order that the land subject to it be sold; in order to satisfy the outstanding debt.

In a “gee, we really didn’t think this through” moment, turbine hosts are ruing the day that they ever set eyes on wind farm developers.

Warning Against Wind Farm Liens
Bayshore Broadcasting
Peter Jackson
28 October 2015

Former Landowners Association President warns of landowner liable for turbines.

There is audio for this story: MP3 – click to open click to open MP3 version or click the play button to listen now.

The Past President of the Huron-Perth Landowners’ Association is advising area farmers to do their research and get legal advice before signing wind turbine development leases for their properties.

Dave Hemingway is concerned property owners may be left on the hook for millions of dollars of wind turbine construction work that hasn’t been paid for.

Hemingway says turbine construction contractors have applied liens against six properties — four of them since June.

He says he discovered the newer liens when he double-checked legal documents early this month.

The total value of the liens is over $32 million.

Hemingway explains that under the province’s Construction Lien Act, turbine construction is interpreted as an improvement to a property that has the potential to earn money for the landowner.

He points out that a Superior Court certificate filed in June names a construction sub-contractor as the plaintiff, and four wind turbine companies plus several financial institutions as defendants.

Hemingway says that’s one of three cases in which legal action has started because construction work on wind turbines hasn’t been paid for.

He warns landowners and leaseholders that any potential financial liability arising from leases could be far greater than the leases are worth.
Bayshore Broadcasting

wind turbine host

24 thoughts on “Angry Neighbours Shoot-Up Wind Turbines; as Hosts Hit With $Millions in Developers’ Debts

  1. can the host property owners make a class action combined suit against the windmill company about the liens placed on their property because the windmill owner did not pay the workers?

  2. The damage is estimated between $20,000 and $250,000. Error bars the size of most in the Climastrology community!

  3. Windenergieanlagen – beeinträchtigt Infraschall die Gesundheit?

    Click to access uw_117_windkraftanlagen_infraschall_gesundheit.pdf


    A Short History of Sound Weapons Pt2: Infrasound

    Infrasound has been used and is used by streitkräfte to influence the enemy tired and dizzy etc,.
    Informieren Sie bitte andere Gruppen gegen den Wind infra shall.
    Neue Waffe: Infraschall? Von Dieter Dietrich .
    Neue Waffe: Infraschall? 2. Februar 1968,
    Merkwürdige Experimente des Professors Gavreau
    Frekvens mindre än 20 Hz (Hz) ljudvågor kallas infraljud. Infraljud är inte lätt att förfalla, vatten och luft kan inte lätt kan absorberas. Och ofta gånger våglängden hos ljudet är väldigt lång, så de kan kringgå några av de större hindren diffraktion inträffar. Några sub-sonic energi runt jorden 2-3 veckor. Eftersom vissa frekvenser infraljud och vibrationer frekvens liknar mänskliga organ, enkla och mänskliga organ genljuder skadar den mänskliga kroppen har en stark motståndskraft, kan fara orsaka dödsfall.;jsessionid=0D94D7F76AE62C0189AF9FC9C145E90F?hosts
    Aus der Abteilung Neuroradiologie der Medizinischen Fakultät Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
    DISSERTATION Ist Infraschall hörbar? – Eine fMRT-Studie zur Stimulierbarkeit des audito rischen Kortex durch Infraschall und niedrigfrequente Töne:;jsessionid=0D94D7F76AE62C0189AF9FC9C145E90F?hosts
    Ontario Wind Resistance
    Wind Farms, Infrasound And The Brain By Neuroskeptic | July 16, 2015.
    Acoustic weapons:
    Acoustic Trauma : Bioeffects of Sound
    The Real Science On Wind Farms, Noise, Infrasound And Health
    Wind turbines ARE a human health hazard: the smoking gun
    Could A Sonic Weapon Make Your Head Explode?
    Infrasonic sound can have very unusual non-auditory effects on the body. But does it kill? By Seth S. Horowitz Posted November 20, 2012
    The Misuse of Infrasound: Industry, military, and now the cops
    Nov 18, 2011
    For a Non-Lethal Weapon, Israel Uses Sound



  4. In all the comments I have read not many people seem to grasp how what and where wind power happened. About 30 years ago the Warren Buffett’s of this world all sat down and worked out how the could get more money from Govt. and other peoples pockets into theirs. They found a median that being the heart strings of the Green Movement on clean green electricity. They lent the money to start the whole ball rolling then got paid handsomely their loans huge interest and fees on Govt. subsidies and rode off into the sunset just like a pyramid scheme and every thing that has happened since in the great wind power saga is the aftermath also just like a pyramid scheme which it is. The really sickening fact is that all the subsidies paid so far by Govt. and the consumer could have built a nuclear power station and as the population of Australia grows toward 30-35 million we are going to need that nuclear station maybe two and we still have to find money to build them. You can not run an essential service on subsidies and higher prices or it just becomes pyramid selling. Wind turbines are just monuments to mans’ stupidity!

  5. Could the blades be turned into deck furniture, park benches..or perhaps public garbage cans?
    Has anyone looked into this yet?

  6. As the wind power boosters and spruikers become more isolated and visible, they become nastier, like vicious dogs backed into a corner. In Falmouth, MA, USA, they are calling the wind turbine opposition “nutty” and out to cost the Town boodles of money, while at the same time they shovel more money out to pay for the lost revenues because one of their precious choppers was shut down because it was out of noise compliance. They disguise themselves with pseudonyms in the internet and call people names. Now they have given themselves the declared right to take the properties of wind power neighbor-victims by eminent domain rather than admit the evil mistake that they have done. I’m not at all surprised to see the willful destruction of company-municipal property ramping up. This is a civil war, isn’t it?

  7. Years ago you could have felt sorry for the ‘hosts’ who were unaware of the damage these things cause, and think of them as having an aesthetically naïve view of the natural world, but not anymore. There is so much information out there now that anyone who signs up to entertain turbines are doing so knowing that they will be ensuring their neighbours suffer adverse health effects, loss of property value and damage to their farming operations.

    They will also know that they are assisting an industry to flourish even though it cannot and never will be able to meet it exalted claims of reducing CO2 level while providing a reliable energy source.

    They will be doing it for money, and while for some it will help them keep their property, they will not prosper socially in their neighbourhoods, they will be seen as parasites living off handouts from unwelcome intruders.

    So who can blame those angry suffering people from taking action against the intruders those who have invaded their lives and homes and who bring harm and disharmony.

  8. If everyone keeps putting bullets into the turbines it will become too costly to keep them there. What is one of the blades worth? how about the windings in the turbine itself. This could become expensive. It is always sad when big companies lie a little each time until they get their way.

    1. Exactly, I’ve always advocated this approach to turbines. No insurance company will want to touch a wind turbine blade once a few 303’s enter the blades.

      There is no room to be nice to these shonks. If someone comes into your once peaceful area, you have the right to make it like it was again.

      1. I agree Peter. If it works and keeps the developers away, then the cost of a few bullets is a small price to pay. If you don’t want them to be shot, keep your turbines a million miles away.

        Sounds harsh maybe but force actually works. That’s the only reason the wind turbines were even allowed in the first place – through brute force. Seems like it’s time for us to exert greater force in the opposite direction.

    2. What is one of the blades worth?

      not much, Just me. Since they are made of fiber-glass once the integrity is broken, nadda, zilch, not a darn thing.
      To the landfill they go, pollution and all.

      I really think they would be good look out towers, for when the rich want that food product, (after the civil war…we have coming)
      we can pick them off, one at a time from a long distance…

      (sarcastic thinking, but not)

  9. Curious what do you use for generating power? I am in Alberta Canada. we have gas & oil and coal & wood to keep us from freezing to death in the winter oh ya some wind farms. What is one supposed to use that would be ok with everyone…. I am getting really confused.

  10. It looks like that the $2 companies can walk away from the fans, and the hosts have to carry the can, good business, hey!

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