Bad Vibrations: Proof Low Frequency Wind Turbine Noise Penetrates Neighbour’s Homes

Anyone forced to live within 2km of wind turbines will soon tell you what enduring hell on earth is all about. The thumping, grinding cacophony of low-frequency noise these things generate is not just irritating, it poses a long-term risk to human health. Deprive someone of sleep for any length of time, and their health … Continue reading Bad Vibrations: Proof Low Frequency Wind Turbine Noise Penetrates Neighbour’s Homes

Rigged Rules: Why Wind Turbine Noise ‘Regulations’ Are Totally Inadequate

Governments have spent 30 years covering up the adverse effects of wind turbine noise on neighbours, ably assisted by the wind industry’s pet acoustic consultants: Three Decades of Wind Industry Deception: A Chronology of a Global Conspiracy of Silence and Subterfuge Australia can count its ethical acoustic engineers on one hand. The majority of them sold … Continue reading Rigged Rules: Why Wind Turbine Noise ‘Regulations’ Are Totally Inadequate