Deadly Serious: During Extreme Weather Unreliable Wind & Solar Threaten Life & Limb

There’s nothing funny about being frozen to death in the dark. More than half of the 200 Texans who died during the mass blackouts that struck the midwest during February this year died of hypothermia, thanks to a lack of power. In all some 4.5 million households were left freezing in the dark when solar … Continue reading Deadly Serious: During Extreme Weather Unreliable Wind & Solar Threaten Life & Limb

Weather-Dependency Means That Wind Power is Always & Everywhere Utterly Pointless

  Wind power’s proven inability to deliver the goods when it counts has been on show in the last few months. Much to the horror of the wind cult, renewable energy rent seekers and their political enablers. Total wind power output collapses in Germany and across America’s midwest, have drawn focus on just how useless … Continue reading Weather-Dependency Means That Wind Power is Always & Everywhere Utterly Pointless

Death Defying: Big Freeze Reveals Insanity of Relying on Weather-Dependent Wind & Solar

The northern hemisphere turns on bitter winters - getting wind turbines and solar panels to turn on in the midst of one, is another matter. Freezing Germans, desperate for coal-fired power, are probably having a good, hard think about their obsession with ‘green’ energy. Freezing Americans have already had a taste of their wind and … Continue reading Death Defying: Big Freeze Reveals Insanity of Relying on Weather-Dependent Wind & Solar

Into The Black: Calm Weather Leaves Britain’s Power Grid At Risk Of Total Collapse

Boris Johnson reckons wind power’s the future for Britain. If so, it’s a future that will soon resemble England’s bitter Dark Ages. The UK has already had its taste of mass blackouts thanks to sudden and unpredictable collapses in wind power output. Now, as Brits head into winter, it’s a case of much more of … Continue reading Into The Black: Calm Weather Leaves Britain’s Power Grid At Risk Of Total Collapse