Chaotic Wind Power Output Leaves Power-Starved Texans Praying To Wind Gods

Banking on the wind for your daily power needs is prone to disappoint. From the moment human beings harnessed thermal energy the path of industrial and modern civilisation was set. No more begging for beneficial breezes to spin that mill. Power could be had as and when we needed it, not when mother nature felt … Continue reading Chaotic Wind Power Output Leaves Power-Starved Texans Praying To Wind Gods

Renewable Energy Retreat: Texas Targets Unreliable Wind & Solar With Punitive Fees & Charges

After America’s big freeze, Texan legislators are determined to restore reliable power generation sources, by hitting unreliable wind and solar with a raft of punitive fees and charges. Whereas wind and solar have enjoyed massive subsidies (in the US, principally the Production Tax Credit, as well as state-mandated feed in tariffs), the reliable generators (nuclear, … Continue reading Renewable Energy Retreat: Texas Targets Unreliable Wind & Solar With Punitive Fees & Charges

Total Fail: Wind & Solar ‘Powered’ Texans Left Reliant on Diesel Generators

After Texas’s big freeze exposed wind and solar as total failures, the wind and solar cult have been left licking their wounds. Although, to their credit, they have active despite their injured feelings, viciously blaming everything except the 5G network for the mass blackouts that followed total collapses in wind and solar output. The hard … Continue reading Total Fail: Wind & Solar ‘Powered’ Texans Left Reliant on Diesel Generators

The Big Subsidy Steal: Texan Taxpayers Fork Out $80,000,000,000 to Wind Power Outfits

When it comes to massive subsidies to wind power outfits in the US, the Lone Star State led the charge. Since 2006, the wind industry has managed to snaffle over $80 billion from Texan taxpayers, and they’ve only just begun. Generating a product that’s only ever available in chaotic fits and spurts, means that endless … Continue reading The Big Subsidy Steal: Texan Taxpayers Fork Out $80,000,000,000 to Wind Power Outfits

Texan Turmoil: True & Staggering Cost of Wind & Solar Kept Hidden From Power Consumers

The hidden cost of attempting to rely upon sunshine and breezes is truly staggering, ask a German, Dane or South Australian about the power prices they suffer. They’re the world’s highest, by the way. And all three of them compete for bragging rights about which of them has the greatest proportion of renewables in the … Continue reading Texan Turmoil: True & Staggering Cost of Wind & Solar Kept Hidden From Power Consumers

Hide & Seek: Market Distorting Subsidies Conceal True & Staggering Cost of Renewables

Electricity that can’t be delivered as and when it’s needed has no commercial value; in the absence of massive subsidies, there’d be no market at all for intermittent wind and solar. As soon as the subsidies to wind and solar get cut, the ‘investment’ in new capacity evaporates, entirely. But it’s those subsidies that distort … Continue reading Hide & Seek: Market Distorting Subsidies Conceal True & Staggering Cost of Renewables

Permanent Part-Time Power: Wind Power Rush Leaves Texans Scrambling for Reliable Electricity

Being a weather-dependent enterprise, no one thinks of promising their kids a kite flying holiday, ahead of time. So just how modern, Western economies ever thought they’d power themselves with occasional breezes is a mystery. The inherent and chaotic intermittency that’s part and parcel of wind power is only compensated by the ability of dispatchable … Continue reading Permanent Part-Time Power: Wind Power Rush Leaves Texans Scrambling for Reliable Electricity

Totally ‘Gored’: Texan Town Pays Heavy Price for 100% Wind & Solar Vanity Project

Keen to pay ridiculous amounts for power in an act of pointless vanity? - get your town to go 100% wind & solar. Georgetown, Texas did and its 71,000 citizens are paying a heavy price. Despite the hype, the town isn’t being exclusively powered by sunshine and breezes; quietly and ever so hypocritically the town … Continue reading Totally ‘Gored’: Texan Town Pays Heavy Price for 100% Wind & Solar Vanity Project

Tall Texan Tales: Hyperbolic Claims About Wind & Solar Performance in Texas Are Pure Nonsense

It takes more than audacity to promote an all wind and sun powered future - it requires the deluded to make nonsense sound reasonable. When zealots start waffling about wonderful wind and solar ‘resources’, that the wind and sun are ‘free’ and if we all believed together, we’re just a heartbeat away from ditching fossil … Continue reading Tall Texan Tales: Hyperbolic Claims About Wind & Solar Performance in Texas Are Pure Nonsense

Never Ending Story: Texans Forced to Shell Out $Billions More in Wind Power Subsidies

One thing you’ll never, ever hear from wind power outfits is a call to cut the subsidies that sustain them. Remarkably, whether in Germany, Australia, Ontario or Texas, renewables rent seekers all speak the same language. When talk turns to subsidies, you’ll only ever hear words like ‘more’. Challenge them about their nonsensical claims that … Continue reading Never Ending Story: Texans Forced to Shell Out $Billions More in Wind Power Subsidies