Sunset ‘Industry’: If Solar Power is SO Cheap, Why Not Scrap The Subsidies Right Now?

Australian government subsidies to domestic rooftop solar are insanely generous, and are costing taxpayers more than $1.7 billion annually. The real beneficiaries of these massive and endless subsidies are, of course, the Chinese who manufacture the panels and export them to places like Australia, where a strange mix of greed and avarice, combines with a … Continue reading Sunset ‘Industry’: If Solar Power is SO Cheap, Why Not Scrap The Subsidies Right Now?

Neighbourhood Theft: Why Your Neighbour’s Solar Panels Are Costing You a Fortune

Electricity generation started off as an extension of science. These days, it’s all about vanity and virtue signalling. Not least those millions of shiny solar panels, which we’ve all helped subsidise – to allow our neighbours to bask in their own virtuous glow. At the theoretical level – when the sun is up and the … Continue reading Neighbourhood Theft: Why Your Neighbour’s Solar Panels Are Costing You a Fortune