Grand Theft: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Squanders $Trillions in Taxpayers’ Cash

The hundreds of $billions paid in subsidies to intermittent wind and solar constitute the largest wealth transfer in economic history - from unwitting power consumers and taxpayers to a cabal of rent-seeking crony capitalists. Greed and avarice drives them, aided and abetted by government mandates, diktats and decrees. Built on lies and running on subsidies, … Continue reading Grand Theft: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Squanders $Trillions in Taxpayers’ Cash

Renewables Road to Nowhere: Subsidised Wind & Solar Just Don’t Work & Never Will

In the absence of mandates directing grid managers to take chaotic wind or solar power ahead of conventional power and/or massive subsidies directed to retailers encouraging them to take it and/or heavy fines imposed on them if they refuse to, there is simply no commercial market for power which can only be generated occasionally, in … Continue reading Renewables Road to Nowhere: Subsidised Wind & Solar Just Don’t Work & Never Will

Fake ‘Green’ Energy: So Much Spent On Wind & Solar For So Little Return

Wind and solar are not just costly they are entirely useless. Never in the field of energy generation has so much been spent, by so many, for so little return. Forget the colossal and endless subsidies, forget the community division, forget the environmental destruction and landfills full of toxic blades and panels and start with … Continue reading Fake ‘Green’ Energy: So Much Spent On Wind & Solar For So Little Return