Enviro-Frauds: Wind & Solar Ain’t ‘Clean’ & Certainly Ain’t ‘Green’

Call wind and solar whatever you like, but there’s simply no rational basis to call them ‘clean’ or ‘green’. Both chew up monumental volumes of minerals, chemicals, rare earths and energy just to create the panels and turbines. Both leave monumental volumes of waste when turbines and panels are spent – after a decade or … Continue reading Enviro-Frauds: Wind & Solar Ain’t ‘Clean’ & Certainly Ain’t ‘Green’

‘Renewables’ Reality Check: Exposing Filthy Truth About Our Wind & Solar Powered ‘Nirvana’

Pull the curtain back on the wind and solar ‘industries’ and you’re in for a filthy and even toxic surprise. Do a little digging, so to speak, and you’ll soon understand that there is absolutely nothing ‘green’ about wind and solar power or, more precisely, what goes into making 300 tonne wind turbines and their … Continue reading ‘Renewables’ Reality Check: Exposing Filthy Truth About Our Wind & Solar Powered ‘Nirvana’

No New Green Deal: Nothing Environmentally Friendly About Wind & Solar

Cultists couldn’t care less about the environmental destruction that both wind and solar leave in their wake, merrily ignoring the thousands of wind turbine blades and millions solar panels already being dumped in landfills. Apparently, their mountainous toxic waste legacy will be something for future generations to deal with. The same characters vilify fossil fuels … Continue reading No New Green Deal: Nothing Environmentally Friendly About Wind & Solar

‘Green’ Energy Obsession Loses Its Glitter: Subsidised Wind & Solar Scam Unmasked

Every good cult needs a mantra. For the anti-progress crowd, it’s the line that ‘green’ is good. However, in the way that Humpty Dumpy could make words mean anything he chose them to mean, ‘green’ has taken on a meaning all of its own. The same goes for the nonsense tag ‘renewable’; there’s nothing renewable … Continue reading ‘Green’ Energy Obsession Loses Its Glitter: Subsidised Wind & Solar Scam Unmasked

‘Green’ Energy Myths Busted: Putting Solar’s Massive Upfront Energy Cost In The Frame

There’s no such thing as “free energy”: both wind and solar generators start their productive life with substantial energy deficits. Of course, their owners and operators are only interested in the subsidies they generate. But others are keen to take full account of the amount of energy employed before wind turbines or solar panels get … Continue reading ‘Green’ Energy Myths Busted: Putting Solar’s Massive Upfront Energy Cost In The Frame

Toxic Heavy Metal Cocktail: What’s Really Inside Solar Panels

The RE acolyte is all care and no responsibility, which helps to explain his obsession with solar power. With millions of solar panels already at the end of their useful lives and off to be crushed and dumped in local landfills, it’s probably a good time to find out precisely what’s inside them. For the … Continue reading Toxic Heavy Metal Cocktail: What’s Really Inside Solar Panels

Solar’s Toxic Legacy: When the Panels Wear Out, Who Cleans Up the ‘Green’ Energy Mess?

Because solar panels can’t be economically recycled, millions upon millions of them are headed for landfill. Around the globe, countless millions of panels have already reached their use by dates. Over the next decade millions of tonnes of them are headed for the dump. Each panel is a veritable toxic cocktail of gallium arsenide, tellurium, … Continue reading Solar’s Toxic Legacy: When the Panels Wear Out, Who Cleans Up the ‘Green’ Energy Mess?

Black Forest’s Bleak Future: German Wilderness Wiped Out to Make Way For 1,000 Wind Turbines

Apparently, turning wilderness into smouldering ash is all for the greater good, provided it’s to make way for 260m high/300 tonne industrial juggernauts, aka wind turbines. Germany has speared over 30,000 of these things across its countryside. As land for doing so has become increasingly scarce, the strategy has been to clear-fell forests that were … Continue reading Black Forest’s Bleak Future: German Wilderness Wiped Out to Make Way For 1,000 Wind Turbines

Impossible Dream: Why Promise Of All Wind & Sun Powered Future Is Complete Nonsense

The dream of an all wind and sun powered future is more like a recurring nightmare: chaotically intermittent, critically dependent upon massive and endless subsidies and environmentally destructive, the idea that millions of giant industrial wind turbines and seas of solar panels will somehow benefit the planet beggars belief. In two detailed and well-crafted videos … Continue reading Impossible Dream: Why Promise Of All Wind & Sun Powered Future Is Complete Nonsense

Profiting From Power: Subsidised Renewable Energy Nothing More Than State Sponsored Theft

The real delight of Michael Moore’s Planet of the Humans is watching the climate cult squirm, as those on the left sink the boots in. Of course, those who have been pointing out that heavily subsidised and hopelessly unreliable wind and solar offer no solution to our purported planetary perils are relishing the opportunity to … Continue reading Profiting From Power: Subsidised Renewable Energy Nothing More Than State Sponsored Theft