How To Destroy Jobs & Wreck An Economy: Add Even More Subsidised Wind & Solar

Those behind the greatest economic and environmental scam in history, still pretend that there's millions of groovy Green jobs in the making - as long as the massive subsidies keep heading in their direction. Trouble is, all the evidence suggests otherwise. Depriving your economy of reliable and affordable power is the fastest way to wreck … Continue reading How To Destroy Jobs & Wreck An Economy: Add Even More Subsidised Wind & Solar

No Respite: Wind & Solar Driven Power & Pricing Calamity Can Only Get Worse

With the debacle playing out in Europe and the UK, it takes a special brand of delusion the claim that increasing reliance on wind and solar will inevitably result in falling power prices. And delusion, in that respect, is very much the order of the day amongst Australia’s Green/Labor Alliance. When it comes to anything … Continue reading No Respite: Wind & Solar Driven Power & Pricing Calamity Can Only Get Worse

Wrong Bet: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Really About Lunatics Gambling With Your Money

Those pushing the wind and solar transition exhibit the kind of moral turpitude you’d expect from lunatics gambling with other people’s money. Politicians might have been forgiven a decade ago, but not now. Europe’s self-inflicted wind and solar calamity clearly hasn’t registered with Australia’s political class. The worst (but not the only) offenders are the … Continue reading Wrong Bet: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Really About Lunatics Gambling With Your Money

Never Sustainable: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Just Another Failed Utopian Dream

The wind and solar ‘transition’ is being sold as Utopia - but anyone prepared to believe that will believe anything. In Germany and Britain, a growing number are starting to work it out. They’ve been lied to; they’re angry and there will be a political vengeance against those who have delivered misery of a type … Continue reading Never Sustainable: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Just Another Failed Utopian Dream

All Wind & Promises: New US Study Reveals Another Great ‘Green’ Jobs Hoax

The rocketing power prices caused by subsidised wind and solar have destroyed thousands of jobs in manufacturing and mineral processing, for starters. But, retorts the renewable energy rent seeker, think of all the green jobs ‘created’ by the wind and solar industries. Whether you call it a ‘Green New Deal’ or a ‘Great Green Reset’, … Continue reading All Wind & Promises: New US Study Reveals Another Great ‘Green’ Jobs Hoax

Power Price Punishment: Cost of Subsidised Wind & Solar Killing Productive Industry & Enterprise

Reliance on intermittent wind and solar guarantees rocketing power prices and chaotic supply. Price spikes and/or power rationing when the sun sets or calm weather sets in are the death knell for a range of energy-hungry businesses and industries. Manufacturing and mineral processing are usually the first to disappear, when the true costs of running … Continue reading Power Price Punishment: Cost of Subsidised Wind & Solar Killing Productive Industry & Enterprise

Why Heavily Subsidised & Utterly Unreliable Wind & Solar Will Wreck Your Economy

The wind and solar cult will never admit it, but coal-fired power is the backbone of Australia’s electricity grid. Without it, this country would descend into Stone Age chaos in next to no time. With the announcement that another reliable coal-fired power plant will be shuttered in a few years’ time, the response from our … Continue reading Why Heavily Subsidised & Utterly Unreliable Wind & Solar Will Wreck Your Economy

Green Narrative to Nowhere: Mainstream Media Buries Truth About True Cost of Net-Zero

Mainstream media tell us that net-zero carbon dioxide emissions targets are the only path to peace and prosperity. Never troubled by the facts that surround them, the mainstream journo ignores every shred of evidence to the contrary and appear to live in a fantasy land disconnected from logic and reason. At the heart of the … Continue reading Green Narrative to Nowhere: Mainstream Media Buries Truth About True Cost of Net-Zero

Manufacturing Unemployment: Net-Zero Target Will Destroy 650,000 Australian Jobs

Net-zero carbon dioxide targets are all about giving more subsidies to unreliable wind and solar which inevitably drive power prices through the roof. Increase power prices, as with any input cost, and profits inevitably diminish. Meaningful employment depends upon healthy and sustainable profits. So, as any student of that dismal science will readily tell you, … Continue reading Manufacturing Unemployment: Net-Zero Target Will Destroy 650,000 Australian Jobs

Wind Industry Jobs Myth Turning Britain Into Venezuelan Economic Basket Case

The ‘inevitable transition’ to an all wind and sun powered future comes with a promise of an endless sea of ‘groovy’ sustainable jobs in the manufacture of solar panels and wind turbines and much more, besides. However, across the globe, the great ‘green’ jobs ‘bonanza’ is being revealed for the hoax that it truly is. … Continue reading Wind Industry Jobs Myth Turning Britain Into Venezuelan Economic Basket Case