Wind & Solar Rent-Seekers Rattled By New Nuclear Power Policy

The wind and sun cult’s infantile reaction to nuclear power demonstrates that it’s the generation source for grown-ups. But it’s not so much the reaction of the propagandists and cheer squad that matters, it’s the response from those profiting from the wind and solar scam that determines the political playing field from here on. Nothing … Continue reading Wind & Solar Rent-Seekers Rattled By New Nuclear Power Policy

Snookered: Global Nuclear Embrace Destroys Case For Subsidised Wind & Solar

The wind and sun cult have no sensible answer to ever-reliable nuclear power and are terrified at the threat nuclear poses to the greatest economic and environmental fraud of all time: hence the fits of rage and apoplexy amongst cultists, carpetbaggers and their political enablers. The nuclear power embrace across Europe has been sudden, swift, … Continue reading Snookered: Global Nuclear Embrace Destroys Case For Subsidised Wind & Solar

Resistance Is Futile: Net-Zero CO2 Targets Can Only Be Met With Nuclear Power

The fact that those pushing net-zero emissions targets aren’t talking seriously about nuclear power, says it all. If energy policy is left in the hands of the wind and sun cult - and other weather-obsessed lunatics - it won't be long before we’re all left sitting freezing or boiling in the dark. Those with financial … Continue reading Resistance Is Futile: Net-Zero CO2 Targets Can Only Be Met With Nuclear Power

Great Leap Backwards: Net-Zero Emission Targets Wrecking Western Civilisation

Net-zero carbon dioxide gas emissions targets are just another example of ‘glorious five-year plans’ with monstrous results for all and sundry. The malevolent dictator loves grand sweeping visions, particularly those that diminish their enemies and transfer their wealth to their friends and cronies. So it is with mandated and equally malevolent diktats aimed at reducing … Continue reading Great Leap Backwards: Net-Zero Emission Targets Wrecking Western Civilisation

Serious Energy: Britain Backs Ever-Reliable Nuclear Over Never-Reliable Wind Power

Politicians routinely crabwalk away from policy disasters. So it is in Britain where ever-reliable nuclear power has just been declared ‘green’ and essential to Britain’s energy future. Oversold and overhyped, in Europe, wind power now barely rates a mention amongst anyone serious about serious energy policy. Like that awkward, always-drunk uncle that everyone wants to … Continue reading Serious Energy: Britain Backs Ever-Reliable Nuclear Over Never-Reliable Wind Power

No More Lip Service: The Time for Safe, Reliable & Affordable Nuclear is Right Now

Australia’s Renewable Energy Target directs more than $7 billion a year in subsidies to wind and solar and is doing precisely what it was designed to do: namely, destroying Australia’s reliable and affordable power supplies. At the political level, the scramble is now on to keep coal-fired power plants up and running, wait for it, … Continue reading No More Lip Service: The Time for Safe, Reliable & Affordable Nuclear is Right Now

Wind & Solar Debacle Means It’s Time To Bring Small Nuclear Reactors Onshore

SMRs are no pipe dream: 200 small nuclear reactors are presently powering 160 ships and submarines all around the world, and have been for decades. What’s on foot is a move to bring those reactors onshore and use them to shore up power grids being wrecked by the chaotic intermittency of wind and solar. STT promotes … Continue reading Wind & Solar Debacle Means It’s Time To Bring Small Nuclear Reactors Onshore

Nuclear Power Only Way to Meet Net-Zero Carbon Dioxide Emissions Targets

The climate alarmists and RE rent-seekers pushing net-zero carbon dioxide emissions targets hate nuclear power because it’s the only way of satisfying any such target. And at the heart of that proposition, is the fact that the true cost of wind and solar are truly out of this world. As a partial concession to their … Continue reading Nuclear Power Only Way to Meet Net-Zero Carbon Dioxide Emissions Targets

What Meeting Net-Zero Emissions Targets Without Nuclear Power Will Cost You

There’s a new definition of insanity: trying to satisfy net-zero carbon dioxide gas emissions targets without nuclear power. Australia’s PM, Scott Morrison’s energy policy falls well within that definition, which probably makes this country one of the largest lunatic asylums, on earth. Morrison headed off to Glasgow to join 25,000 virtue signallers, crony capitalists and … Continue reading What Meeting Net-Zero Emissions Targets Without Nuclear Power Will Cost You

COP That Wind & Solar: Nuclear Power Drives French Renewables Resistance

The French already get more than 70% of their power from nuclear plants. Now, thanks to a massive month-long wind power output collapse, that proportion is destined to increase. Following Europe’s ‘disastrous’ wind drought - that saw wind power output plummet throughout most of September and into October, and early November - the need for … Continue reading COP That Wind & Solar: Nuclear Power Drives French Renewables Resistance