Gas Blow Out: Vlad’s Invasion Exposes European Renewable Energy Policy Insanity

You know it’s a cult when innocents are being wiped out by shells and missiles and they’re fretting that we’ll lose our focus on the weather, as a result. As Russian tanks began shelling family homes across Ukraine, missiles struck home and air raid sirens screamed over Kyiv, John Kerry worried that Vlad’s westward expansion … Continue reading Gas Blow Out: Vlad’s Invasion Exposes European Renewable Energy Policy Insanity

Coal Saves Germany (Again): Weather Conspires to Cut Annual Wind Power Production by 25%

Germany’s inevitable transition to wind and solar, ain’t so inevitable, after all. Coal-fired power plants have been urgently press-ganged back into action, as the weather conspires to drive wind power output through the floor. Inherently unreliable, wind power has never powered any serious economy; and never will. The problem with relying upon the weather for … Continue reading Coal Saves Germany (Again): Weather Conspires to Cut Annual Wind Power Production by 25%

Cost Cover-up: German Government Hiding Massive Cost of Wind & Solar Subsidies

German power consumers now suffer Europe’s highest power prices, thanks to massive subsidies to unreliable wind and solar. With hundreds of thousands of households no longer able to afford power, and energy hungry, high-tech businesses shifting their operations to places like Singapore - where power is a tiny fraction of the cost - Germany’s renewables … Continue reading Cost Cover-up: German Government Hiding Massive Cost of Wind & Solar Subsidies