Power Policy Hijacked: Renewable Energy Rent Seekers Holding Power Consumers Hostage

  A slavish obsession with intermittent wind and solar has reliably delivered unreliable power and rocketing power prices. The politics of power has been taken out of the hands of voters and is now firmly in the grasp of cashed-up rent seekers - hell-bent on parachuting their own pet candidates into green-tinged seats, across the … Continue reading Power Policy Hijacked: Renewable Energy Rent Seekers Holding Power Consumers Hostage

Appetite for Destruction: Wind Power Obsessed NSW Energy Minister Deluded & Dangerous

  Spanish philosopher, George Santayana was credited with the adage that ‘Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it’. But, as pointed out by American author, William Faulkner, “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” In Australia’s so-called wind power capital, South Australia, how its self-inflicted power pricing and supply … Continue reading Appetite for Destruction: Wind Power Obsessed NSW Energy Minister Deluded & Dangerous