Dig This: Miners Can’t Keep Up With Wind Industry’s Insatiable Mineral Demands

The wind industry’s insatiable demand for the Planet’s (purportedly) dwindling resources has no apparent limit. Inside every giant industrial wind turbine, there’s a bevy of rare minerals which are fast becoming rarer. Then there are more mundane minerals like iron ore (used to make steel) and copper, critical to their generators, internal cabling and wine, … Continue reading Dig This: Miners Can’t Keep Up With Wind Industry’s Insatiable Mineral Demands

Environment Wreckers: Wind & Solar Chewing Up World’s Resources At Astonishing Rate

Diffuse, intermittent and unreliable wind and solar are utterly pointless as power sources – because they can’t deliver power as and when we need it. However, as a source of insatiable demand for the Planet’s (purportedly) dwindling resources they blitz the field. At the heart of every Electric Vehicle, solar panel and wind turbine there’s … Continue reading Environment Wreckers: Wind & Solar Chewing Up World’s Resources At Astonishing Rate

Dirty Truth About ‘Clean’ Technologies: Or The True Cost of Climate Virtue Signalling

If ‘green’ means squandering the world’s resources, then wind and solar fit the bill, but if it’s about ‘saving the planet’, then they’re an almighty fraud. Having operated in this space since December 2012, when it comes to wind and solar industry spin and propaganda, STT has seen it all and heard it all. Wind … Continue reading Dirty Truth About ‘Clean’ Technologies: Or The True Cost of Climate Virtue Signalling

Rapacious Renewables: Wind & Solar’s Insatiable Demand For Minerals Beyond Belief

Economics is about using scarce resources to meet insatiable wants; in contrast wind and solar devour scarce resources and provide nothing much in return. Diffuse, intermittent and unreliable wind and solar are utterly pointless as power sources – because they can’t deliver power as and when we need it. However, as a source of insatiable … Continue reading Rapacious Renewables: Wind & Solar’s Insatiable Demand For Minerals Beyond Belief

Destination Destruction: Wind and Solar ‘Transition’ Devouring Planet’s Dwindling Resources

Miners love wind and solar - demand for iron ore and coal has never looked rosier, and at the heart of every Electric Vehicle, solar panel and wind turbine there’ a bevy of rare minerals which are fast becoming rarer, thanks to our ‘inevitable transition’ to an all wind and sun powered future and the … Continue reading Destination Destruction: Wind and Solar ‘Transition’ Devouring Planet’s Dwindling Resources

Digging It: Mines, Minerals, and “Green” Energy: A Reality Check

It takes audacity to suggest that the wholesale environmental destruction wreaked by the wind and solar industries is all for the good of planet. Michael Moore’s Planet of the Humans managed to lift the lid on green hypocrisy, focusing on the raft of inconvenient truths behind the greatest economic and environmental fraud of all time. Such as … Continue reading Digging It: Mines, Minerals, and “Green” Energy: A Reality Check