Wind Power’s Woeful Performance Causing Blackouts & Mass Load Shedding

Wind and solar acolytes fail to mention that the ‘inevitable transition’ includes hours spent sitting freezing or boiling in the dark. Power rationing by postcode is the new normal in Australia, as grid managers attempt to deal with the chaotic delivery of wind and solar. Former energy users are being encouraged not to use energy … Continue reading Wind Power’s Woeful Performance Causing Blackouts & Mass Load Shedding

Power Drain: Relying on Renewables? Get Ready For Mass Blackouts & Power Rationing

Hoping to be powered by sunshine and breezes is like musical chairs: the game designed to ensure that someone always misses out. Increasing reliance on the ‘unreliables’ means, however, that hundreds of businesses and hundreds of thousands of households get to miss out. Think wind and solar ‘powered’ Texas during its Big Freeze. Or think … Continue reading Power Drain: Relying on Renewables? Get Ready For Mass Blackouts & Power Rationing

Doomsday Prepping: Americans Told to Give Up ‘Selfish’ Demand for Constant Electricity

Wind and solar ‘powered’ Californians and South Australians know what it is to have their power cut when the sun sets and/or calm weather sets in. Mass blackouts and load shedding are part and parcel of our inevitable transition to an all wind and sun powered future. But now we are told, that none of … Continue reading Doomsday Prepping: Americans Told to Give Up ‘Selfish’ Demand for Constant Electricity