Heartless: Wind Industry Covers Up Health Effects Caused by Low-Frequency Turbine Noise

A couple of years back, STT produced a timeline which highlighted how the wind industry and its pet acoustic consultants managed to set up ‘rules’ which have no relevance to the noise impacts experienced by wind farm neighbours and under which wind power outfits could ride roughshod over rural communities with complete impunity. That post … Continue reading Heartless: Wind Industry Covers Up Health Effects Caused by Low-Frequency Turbine Noise

Litigation Breakout: More US Wind Farm Noise Victims Sue Developers for Nuisance

Wind developers face liability in the millions for the nuisance caused by unrelenting, turbine generated low-frequency noise and infrasound. Litigation is where the rubber hits the road: myths get replaced with facts; evidence overtakes spin and propaganda. Court rooms (and where they determine the facts, juries) strike fear into the (ordinarily icy) hearts of those … Continue reading Litigation Breakout: More US Wind Farm Noise Victims Sue Developers for Nuisance

Silent Killer: Why Wind Turbine Infrasound Causes Serious Health Problems for Wind Farm Neighbours

  Evidence proving the unnecessary harm done to wind farm neighbours by wind turbine noise mounts by the day: Germany’s Max Planck Institute has identified sub-audible infrasound as the cause of stress, sleep disruption and more (see our post here); and a Swedish group have shown that it’s the pulsing nature of low-frequency wind turbine noise … Continue reading Silent Killer: Why Wind Turbine Infrasound Causes Serious Health Problems for Wind Farm Neighbours

Not In Anyone’s Backyard: Angry Neighbours Launch $Million Lawsuit Against Wind Farm Developer & Council

Sick and tired of soul-destroying wind turbine noise, a group of Victorian farmers have launched a class-action seeking $millions in damages. Their targets are the wind power outfit responsible and the Council that rubberstamped its development application, and which is responsible under Victoria’s Public Health and Wellbeing Act to remedy the noise nuisance created. Here’s … Continue reading Not In Anyone’s Backyard: Angry Neighbours Launch $Million Lawsuit Against Wind Farm Developer & Council

Wind Industry Panics as Class Actions Loom: WHO Finds Wind Turbine Noise Harmful to Health

It’s no mystery to those forced to live next to wind turbines that the incessant low-frequency noise they generate is seriously harmful to health. When humans set out to torture each other, sleep deprivation is usually top of the list. The wind industry has been doing just that, with impunity, for the best part of … Continue reading Wind Industry Panics as Class Actions Loom: WHO Finds Wind Turbine Noise Harmful to Health

Farmers Fightback: Investigator’s Noise Nuisance Finding Leaves Australian Wind Industry Furious

For too long the wind industry has ‘owned the game’. Thanks to a determined lawyer and her equally determined clients, they’ve just lost it. Following on from Saturday’s post - Victorian Vengeance: Neighbours Launch $Multi-Million Noise Nuisance Law Suit Against Wind Farm Operator & Local Council - STT takes another look at the case that's … Continue reading Farmers Fightback: Investigator’s Noise Nuisance Finding Leaves Australian Wind Industry Furious

Victorian Vengeance: Neighbours Launch $Multi-Million Noise Nuisance Law Suit Against Wind Farm Operator & Local Council

  Tormented by wind turbine noise for years, a group of Victorian farmers have launched Supreme Court action seeking $millions in damages. The community surrounding the Bald Hills wind farm, built by a Japanese developer, Mitsui and Co, have been tortured by incessant turbine generated low-frequency noise and infrasound since March 2015, when its 52, … Continue reading Victorian Vengeance: Neighbours Launch $Multi-Million Noise Nuisance Law Suit Against Wind Farm Operator & Local Council

Ontario Fights Back: Farmers Hammered by Wind Turbine Noise Prosecute Environment Minister

Over the last decade, the wind industry has ridden roughshod over the rights of law-abiding citizens to live peacefully in their very own homes. The battle that's followed proves that the value of any right is determined by the beneficiaries’ determination to fight for it. Giant industrial wind turbines deliver a cacophony of pulsing, practically … Continue reading Ontario Fights Back: Farmers Hammered by Wind Turbine Noise Prosecute Environment Minister

Neighbourhood Nuisance: UK Wind Farm Operator Fined £51,000 For Noisy Turbine

Driving neighbours nuts with incessant wind turbine generated low-frequency noise and infra-sound is what the wind industry does best. Wind power outfits literally create headaches wherever they ply their subsidy-soaked trade. But, increasingly, people and communities with the temerity to stand up for their rights are doing just that. And winning. Fined £51,000 ... for … Continue reading Neighbourhood Nuisance: UK Wind Farm Operator Fined £51,000 For Noisy Turbine

Ontario Resident’s Revolt: Wind Farm Neighbours Sue Government to Get Noise Rules Enforced

Corruption and the wind industry go hand in glove. From the outset it’s managed to infiltrate every level of government, using tactics that would make the most malign Mafiosi blush. Renowned for unauthorised facilitation payments (aka ‘bribes’), threats, bullying and aggressive, deep pocketing litigation in order to get its way, one of the key targets … Continue reading Ontario Resident’s Revolt: Wind Farm Neighbours Sue Government to Get Noise Rules Enforced