UPDATE: Australians March On Canberra For Reliable Power – 6 February 2024

On Tuesday next, thousands of Australian advocates for reliable and affordable power will march on the Nation’s capital, Canberra (the rally starts at 10am). One of the drivers of the March, Grant Piper recently gave this interview with Topher Field. Grant clearly knows the ground on which the battle has to be one: viz, attacking … Continue reading UPDATE: Australians March On Canberra For Reliable Power – 6 February 2024

Farmers Fightback: Primary Producers Revolt Against Mass Industrial Wind & Solar Rollout

The wind cult’s proponents never face the prospect of being surrounded by hundreds of 250m high whirling wonders, slicing and dicing birds and wrecking the ability of neighbours to sleep in their own homes and wrecking the environment, more generally. No, all that pointless misery and suffering, that’s for the other guy. The virtue signalling … Continue reading Farmers Fightback: Primary Producers Revolt Against Mass Industrial Wind & Solar Rollout