Unreliable Subsidised Wind & Solar – Destroyers of Worlds – Have Become Economic Death

Market fails to cope with the rise of the unreliables The Australian David Uren 14 September 2017 Creeping nationalisation to fix policy blunders would make Lenin smile In the former Soviet Union, electricity-generating plants were built with the architectural grandeur of cathedrals, some with stained glass windows. The leader of the Russian Revolution, Vladimir Lenin, … Continue reading Unreliable Subsidised Wind & Solar – Destroyers of Worlds – Have Become Economic Death

Australia’s Renewable Energy Calamity: The Never Ending Story Continues

Australians probably feel like they’re stuck in the MA+ sequel to The Never Ending Story - a horror movie in which a band of lunatics, driven by greed, stupidity and ideology took a little under a decade to destroy a once wealthy and prosperous Nation, while their renewables rent-seeking mates pocketed more than $60 billion … Continue reading Australia’s Renewable Energy Calamity: The Never Ending Story Continues

Suicidal Tendencies: Australia’s Renewable Energy Target a $60 Billion Business & Job Destroyer

For those, like STT, attempting to expose the greatest economic and environmental fraud of all time, it sometimes feels like bashing our heads against a brick wall.  However, every now and again, it feels like our masonry masochism has paid off. Last Friday we awoke to see the top story on the front page of … Continue reading Suicidal Tendencies: Australia’s Renewable Energy Target a $60 Billion Business & Job Destroyer

South Australia’s Wind Power Nightmare Contagious: Power Pricing & Supply Calamity Spreads

Among other descriptions, the power pricing and supply calamity that is South Australia has been referred to as the ‘canary in the coal mine’, the consequence of its hell-for-leather renewable energy experiment. The ‘canary in the coal mine’ was, of course, destined to be sacrificed in order to save underground miners from the perils of … Continue reading South Australia’s Wind Power Nightmare Contagious: Power Pricing & Supply Calamity Spreads

Renewable Energy Train Wreck: Australian Power Prices Set to Rocket (Again)

The moral of the story of ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ isn’t don’t lie, it’s don’t tell the same lie twice. Renewables rent-seekers continue to stick with the same grab bag of lies, myths and furphies, despite mountains of evidence revealing their marketing pitch is just so much polished propaganda. South Australia (Australia’s so-called ‘wind … Continue reading Renewable Energy Train Wreck: Australian Power Prices Set to Rocket (Again)

Australia’s Great Shame: Renewable Energy Obsession Leaves Pensioners Freezing in the Dark

  Australia’s maniacal obsession with attempting to power itself on sunshine and breezes has led to ‘The Great Shame’: a 140% increase in the number of homes disconnected from the grid, no longer able to afford power prices rocketing, year-on year, at 16 to 20%, leaving 25% of households unable to heat their homes during … Continue reading Australia’s Great Shame: Renewable Energy Obsession Leaves Pensioners Freezing in the Dark