Service Failure: Australians Swelter During Summer Heatwave Because Intermittent Wind & Solar Simply Can’t Deliver

Thanks to its obsession with intermittent wind and solar, Australian’s power is neither reliable, nor affordable. A warm spell across Australia this week - with temperatures in the 40°C range - has seen the demand for electricity hit the roof. Across South Australia, Victoria, NSW and Queensland air-conditioners have been cranked into furious action to … Continue reading Service Failure: Australians Swelter During Summer Heatwave Because Intermittent Wind & Solar Simply Can’t Deliver

Renewable Energy ‘Transition’: More Wind Power, Higher Prices, More Blackouts

The chaos that comes with intermittent wind and solar get serious in summer, when demand surges, the sun sets and/or calm weather sets in. This summer, the barbecue stopper will literally be another round of what’s euphemistically called “demand management”: Soviet era power rationing, an integral part of Australia’s ludicrous attempt to run on sunshine … Continue reading Renewable Energy ‘Transition’: More Wind Power, Higher Prices, More Blackouts

Blackouts Beckon: Calm Weather & Sunset Deliver Chaos in Renewables Obsessed Australia

In renewables obsessed Australia these days, whenever the sun sets and/or calm weather sets in, the talk inevitably turns to blackouts. Last summer, load shedding caught power consumers short in South Australia, Victoria and NSW. Energy hungry businesses such as aluminium smelters and even hospitals were forced to power down during a run of scorching … Continue reading Blackouts Beckon: Calm Weather & Sunset Deliver Chaos in Renewables Obsessed Australia

Breakout the Candles: Chaotic Wind & Solar Mean More Mass Summertime Blackouts

The chaotic delivery of wind and solar has left Australia’s Eastern Grid on the brink of collapse. The Eastern Grid connects Queensland, New South Wales, the ACT, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia. Reliable coal-fired generators have been knocked out of the game, made uneconomic thanks to renewable energy policies that direct more than $3 billion a … Continue reading Breakout the Candles: Chaotic Wind & Solar Mean More Mass Summertime Blackouts

Game Over: Australia’s Energy Minister Slams Chaos Delivered by Subsidised Wind & Solar

The reason Australia’s renewable energy rent seekers are suicidal has a name: Angus Taylor. The Federal Energy Minister hates subsidised wind and solar with a passion. Taylor was elevated to the position in late July, and since then he’s been giving those involved in the greatest fraud of all time hell. Last week, Taylor appeared … Continue reading Game Over: Australia’s Energy Minister Slams Chaos Delivered by Subsidised Wind & Solar

Downfall: Germany’s RE ‘Transition’ Leaves Grid on the Brink of Collapse

For those pumping the perceived merits of wind and solar power, the laws of nature can be a real bitch. Meteorology, physics, economics have all conspired against nature’s wonder fuels: the sun and wind. The disasters that are playing out in RE superpowers like South Australia and Germany, provide the perfect ‘how not to’ examples. … Continue reading Downfall: Germany’s RE ‘Transition’ Leaves Grid on the Brink of Collapse