Perfect Insanity: Australia’s Renewable Energy ‘Policy’ Guarantees Blackouts & Rocketing Prices

Australia’s energy crisis was perfectly predictable and perfectly avoidable. Just over 20 years ago, sound engineering gave way to delusional ideology, obsessed with the notion that wind and solar would provide all the power we could ever need. The rest, as they say, is history. Over time it’s getting harder to convince youngsters that Australia … Continue reading Perfect Insanity: Australia’s Renewable Energy ‘Policy’ Guarantees Blackouts & Rocketing Prices

Energy Transition Turns High Farce: Power Prices Surge 80% After Coal-Fired Plant Shutdown

Destroying coal-fired power plants is all part of the grand wind and solar ‘transition’ and precisely the point of the subsidies to wind and solar which are designed to allow the unreliables to undercut cheap and reliable coal-fired power, thereby driving coal-fired plants out of business. The inevitable consequences include rocketing power prices and rolling … Continue reading Energy Transition Turns High Farce: Power Prices Surge 80% After Coal-Fired Plant Shutdown

Renewables Reckoning: Closing Australia’s Coal-Fired Power Plants Guarantees Grid Collapse

Thanks to an obsessional reliance on wind and solar, Australia’s power grid has all the structural integrity of a house of cards. Based on the delusion that weather-dependent wind and weather and sunshine-dependent solar can actually replace coal-fired power, Australia’s energy policy is deliberately designed to wipe out coal-fired power plants, once and for all. … Continue reading Renewables Reckoning: Closing Australia’s Coal-Fired Power Plants Guarantees Grid Collapse

Tell ‘Em They’re Dreamin’: Why Wind & Solar Can Never Replace Nuclear, Gas & Coal-Fired Power Australia is not the only country in the grip of the grand delusion that sunshine and breezes will soon completely replace nuclear, gas and coal-fired power. With another large capacity coal-fired power plant signalling its exit from the market place, the renewable energy ideologues are rejoicing. The engineers that built and ran those plants … Continue reading Tell ‘Em They’re Dreamin’: Why Wind & Solar Can Never Replace Nuclear, Gas & Coal-Fired Power